
Did queen Elizabeth hate her father?

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for what he did to her mother and making her a b*****d?




  1. Probably a mixture of love and hate. But she got to be queen when all the others either died or were murdered.

  2. As any teenager would, she probably harbored some resentment for him when she had knowledge of what he had done. But again, as any teenager would, she would want respect and love from her father no matter what.

    She probably hated the people who said bad things about her mother (calling her a w***e and a witch) more than hating her father for killing her. She was 3 years old when it happened, so she had no way of remembering.

    He declared her a b*****d after her mothers death and she remained so until Catharine Parr came to the throne and changed Henry VIIIs mind. He also legitimized Mary.

    Her childhood wasn't that different as a b*****d than it would've been as a legitimate princess: she received quality education and a proper household. I could only assume that she appreciated what her father took care of her even though he didn't take care of her mother.

    You have to remember though, children back in the 1500s were not living with their parents. They often went to live with relatives or a sort of "foster" home to be brought up with other children their age. So even if her mother lived, she would not have had the benefit of living with her.

    I agree with the other person who answered when she said that Elizabeth I worked hard to keep her fathers church going.

  3. Elizabeth I's relationship with her father was complex.  As queen she compared herself to him many times and talked of protecting his church.  I'm sure there was some give and take in her opinions.

  4. You are referring to Elizabeth I? She definitely was not pleased with what her father did.He had her fearing for her life!

  5. It's pretty clear that Elizabeth was conflicted about her feelings towards her father. For one, she talked a lot about him and his legacy towards her, and she was always admiring his rule and his strength. She also followed her father's ideas of how to run the church. But at the same time, she was very aware of the rumours about her parentage, so this may have just been to prevent proving to people that she wasn't actually the daughter of her mother's lute player. (Although if you looked at her, you can pretty clearly see who was her father!) And she was very touchy about her mother, to the point that nobody was allowed to mention her in anything but the best light, and realistically, nobody really mentioned her at all.

    So the short answer is that there is no evidence she ever felt anything against her father, but she was very careful what she said about anything, so we will never really know!

  6. I would think that Elizabeth admired her father for being a poweful monarch.  What she thought about what he did to her mother remains a mystery, I don't think she ever mentioned it.  She always wanted to stress her relationship to Henry, since it was through him that she had a right to inherit the throne.

    Although he did bastardise her, and her sister Mary, he designated them as the next heirs after Edward, so he must have changed his mind about them to a certain extent, at least he considered them fit to inherit the throne should the need arise.  Though of course he would have hoped that such a necessity would not arise.  he would have wanted Edward to produce heirs of his own.

  7. No, but his actions taught her a lesson about marriage, solutions to problems and what to do with difficult relations.

  8. I am sure that she must have been very afraid of him. She was almost seven when Henry married Katherine Howard, and 8.5 years old when he had her executed. It seems reasonable, that people were telling her that the same thing that happened to her mother.

      By all accounts he was a pretty miserable person for the last few years of his life. He was very fat, and he had constantly running sores. She may have had some good memories after he married Katherine Parr for the last 3.5 years of his life. She treated Elizabeth like a daughter, and may have tried to reconcile Henry with his child.

      She was only 13 when he died.

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