
Did robbie keane get a warm ibrox welcome?

by  |  earlier

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after all now that rangers have moved away from bigotry and its the minority that do it, nobody would jeer just because he is a catholic who captains the republic of ireland would they?????




  1. no he didnt. booed every time he touched the ball and that lovely wee ditty about some famine sang at him on a couple of occassions. add to that reina being booed when he blessed himself when he came on as a sub. if you have liverpool tv, it's on at 7

  2. its a well known fact rangers fans and robbie don't go well together..but before we get too smug least acknowledge eddies links or did he do that all houses remember..

  3. i think he got the same warm welcome that kenny miller gets

  4. Was it any worse than what Larsson got when he played for Barca at Parkhead ?

    Why would that thought even enter your head.  Maybe because you wanted it to happen ?  To bolster your theory that each and every Rangers fan is a bigot ?

    Get a grip of yourself man.

  5. no he was warmly booed every time he got the ball.

    if that annoys you, get it right up ye.

  6. Better than Kenny Miller's.

  7. the biggest news today, was that thier precious WofO was A BATTY BOY

  8. yes moved away from bigotry like septic HAS you mean.,singing IRA songs or about the PLO.i think you`v been listening to this terrorist supporter

    or this wee prriick who canny even go back to his home town

    or this scum    (a other song you`s stole)

    is this bigotry or is is just hatred

  9. hey junglee how ye doin comrade ?!  I've got stephen Hawkings here, along with the ghost of Albert Einstein and we're just gonna roll a wee number and have a good headshrink over this one !!! Charles Darwin's just popped in and he says "what the feck do you think?" Up the Hoops x*x

  10. He was reminded of his roots

  11. the wolfe tones singing at parkhead (third video down) was done without celtics permission the bit at the beginning was just on a normal football pitch not actuall in parkhead all the other clipping throug it can be found on the net so celtic didnt let them!!! who exactly did we steal feilds of athenry from????? and neil lennon clearly says get up ya cheating diving b*****d!!!! the rest are fans in england were may i add every time we go we sing our "sectarian song" never in the grounds though and we dnt attack the polis anwhere we go. n nice way to go out way yer BJK ya sick **** just cos yees huv nae sectarian shite tae sing anymer yees make shite up

  12. we could all go on all night posting youtube videos of sectarian and bigoted c**p Eddie...but we wont.

    if he was booed it is a d**n shame cos that man is what you call a "footballer"...sadly the likes of our teams will never see the likes of him in our teams...

    and to be honest I bet he didnt give a flying f**k whether he was booed or cheered.

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