
Did roger federer need to participate in the olympics?

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I mean currently the form he is in he required some time out of the game before the us open. Another disappointing result at the olympics may totally shatter his confidence. Maybe because olympics come once in 4 y'rs!!




  1. Federer has had enough time out this year. He has played the minimum number of tournaments, and he's been knocked out early in most of them. He needs to start playing more tennis.

    If he's still sick or something, he doesn't need one week off, he needs the rest of the year off.

  2. I don't think it was a matter of him "needing" to go to the Olympics, it was a matter of him wanting to go there to represent his country and win a gold medal and fulfill a dream. Roger isn't stupid he realizes he is having a bad year but he keeps going out there because he loves this sport and for him I think it's more about just having the chance to play in the most important sporting even in the entire world. Many atheletes like myself wish they could be where he is representing his country in front of literally the entire world. Fed could have disappointing results but he will take it as a great experience whether he wins or loses. That's really all he can do, just be happy you earned the chance.

  3. Dee Dee i just love ur answer like i love roger federer....

  4. The Olympics are only once every 4 years, and it was his Birthday on the opening ceremony, I don't think he was going to miss that. He was carrying the  Swiss flag, which will hopefully give him confidence, and I think he would rather go into the US Open having had even a small run at the Olympics rather than being out of practice. Whether or not he had to, I don't think matters. All the top players are there, it would've been bad show if Fed didn't go.

  5. Olympics are perhaps more important than a Grand Slam

    More than a need is a desire, he already has US Open tittles but yet no Gold medal, so he wants to add that too.

    And he deserves... doesn't he?

  6. yes

  7. IMO, R.Fed did the right thing, even if you're playing sucky tennis u just need to keep going at it... as long as you're not injured that is. i think mac or borg or whoever said something to this effect: th best thing for Fed to do right now is to PLAY through this slump... not sulk around beating himself up mentally...that would be the worst he can do about it...

    he's bound to get his mojo back, he just has to keep working at it...

    with all that talent, no doubt he will pull out of this mini-slump sooner rather than later, don't write him off just yet people! :)

  8. yes he certainly needed to go to the olympics.. the olympics is a very special magical place for all the players of any sport..

    its a chance for them to represent there country and show the whole world there talent

    the olympics are only every 4 years,

    it is also a very important goal for players to achieve the gold medal and if federer did this it would be a big boost before the US OPEN.. if not then someone else has the honour

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