
Did rugby players always wear so much padding ?

by  |  earlier

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i never really noticed it before but it seems like they wearing a lot of padding these days..




  1. No they didn't but it has been around for 10 years now.

    When it was first introduced it was supposed to protect injuries but soon became the norm.

    There are rules about what can be used and the referees in the RWC have been told to check players whilst on the pitch to insure the correct equipment is worn as it has been reported that some less scrupulous players can use it to inflict injuries on opponents.

  2. no

  3. maybe getting hit by another man (some even bigger than them) really really hurts....

  4. They can wear shoulder protection and head (ear) protection but it has to be approved by the IRB. Only neoprene (wetsuit material) nothing that can be used as a weapon. They can also wear protection for injured body parts.

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