I have a very good friend who i've known for about 7 months now. We talk pretty much every day through either texting or MSN or something. Im a guy she's a girl.(Not that it matters) We've hung out a bunch of times and used to talk at school.We recently graduated.I've been to her house3-4 times now and she's been to mine a couple times,and we've even partied a few times.We've talked to each other a couple times when one of us is feeling upset about something and the other's pretty much always makes the other feel better.Im sometimes the first person she'll talk to when something happens. She'll text me when she's bought something she really likes, or when she goes for a job interview or when she gets a job. Or even on her lunch breaks when shes at work. Things like that. She's come to me when she's had a problem and i've usually helped. We've told each other stuff about ourselves that we wouldn't just tell anyone.She does have a best friend that she's known for about5-6years now.She's her number one like their pretty much sisters.To my knowledge the only people she really ever hangs out with alone is her other best friend and myself.I know because i usually talk to her every day ask what's up. I do all kinds of nice things for her and always listen when she has a problem or just wants to talk. The other night she was texting me when she was drunk, and said she loved me like a brother. Did she mean it, or was she just drunk??????