
Did something take my pet chicken and leave or did they escape?

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there are 3 piles of feathers in my yard and i have two chickens and then there is a small hole i found, the chickens can fit through there (i think), the hole is about 3-4 inches wide and 7 inches high, and also i found p**p that's not chickens fresh on the grass near the coop. How can i tell what got them that can fit through a hole that big and has p**p similar like a dog's? And how do i know if they got away or not?




  1. I'm sorry for your loss. But it sounds like they have been taken by something.

    Chickens are smart and know that the coop is their home and would always come back to it.

  2. well it was probs a fox or summin  

  3. It was either a fox or a raccoon.  Sorry for your loss.

  4. a fox could easily fit through that hole although foxes tend to kill all and take one leaving the rest behind, sorry i couldn't be of more help.  

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