
Did the 60's generation grow up to ruin the country in the 70's, 80's and 90's?

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I can't help but think they got too greedy ,and ruined things for the rest of us, for example with house prices. What do you think?




  1. What age bracket do you mean by the "60's generation"?

    If you are talking about the people born in the 1960 's, then no.  These folks are now just getting into power .... like Obama, the Democratic presidential hopeful.

    If you mean the folks who were teens in the 60's,  well they are just in their late 50's to mid 60's now ... and have been active in government along with the ones born earlier yet.  Have they ruined it for us today?  Well, George W Bush is of that generation.  How do YOU think his generation has done?

    Just remember, if you blame George Bush for ruining this country, that he had all those older guys who were from the previous generation helping him out.

  2. I often think so.

  3. No, their bratty kids ruined it.

    They were too lenient on their kids, who ended up spoiled and demanding. Those kids were the drain on everything.

  4. No. It is not generation X , only, that is responsible. All other groups are partially responsible too. Generation Y and Z are in the market for houses and other commodities as well. To some extent, however, it is the fault of the baby boomers who did not teach succeeding generations the value of paying cash for goods and delaying purchases until they could be afforded.

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