
Did the British army really make a deal with the militia in Basra which left the city in the hands...

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...of terrorists?

If they won't leave their base at the city airport wouldn't they be better occupied somewhere back home?




  1. I suspect the claim is correct but getting a confession will be difficult.

  2. so the news report said. However, i guess that much of what has been reported is not the full story, and that's the military way, not to say what the true picture is. Our troops, and i support them no matter, should never be deployed in Iraq, and nor in the unwinnable war in Afghanistan, others have tried and came away with more than just a bloody nose. we should withdraw all troops from Iraq and if necessary send some to Afghanistan, but its a total no win situation which ever way you look at it from the troops point of view.

  3. No - you can put this down to the politicians - soldiers do not make policy.

    Ray.isBack - crawled out of the swamp again to do a bit of Brit bashing

    1.  Dunkerque a total of 198,229 British and 139,997 French rescued in the 9 days of Operation Dynamo.  Not an American in sight (until Hollywood makes the movie!!!!).

    2.  As for the American Plains, wasn`t that the Native Americans getting the h**l OUT of the US?

    3.  As far as Suez goes, you can put this down to President Eisenhower, through the UN, forcing Britain, France and Israel to withdraw.

    Your lack of understanding and education is really appalling, but I suppose that dosen`t bother you much, you really can`t be an American can you?


  4. Here in UK we have a free press, which can publish lies and damned lies if it wishes.  They are desperate to push up sales of their rags, so they find some story or simply make one up and then roll the press flat out all night publishing their twaddle.

    "The only thing you can trust in a newspaper is the advertising".

    Ben Franklin

    Yeah and he should know, he was a newspaper publisher, among other things; such as flying kits in thunder storms and such.

  5. I'll bet this is only half the story and it won't be a military decision.  They are there because of the government and the military take their orders from government.

    During the Wilson government the UK forces in Cyprus were ordered to stay in their base whilst Greek Cypriot forces slaughtered Turkish Cypriot men and women before the Turkish army came to their rescue.

    We have a great tradition of military in the United Kingdom and I have the greatest respect for the men and women who do this difficult job, often in a no win situation.

  6. The British Military didn't. New Labour did.

    It was reported a few months ago that secret deals were taking place.

    This Government is so bent it makes a dogs hind leg look straight.

  7. once again the military in basra have been left holding the baby when the real culprits are the duely elected government of the day who knowing they were wrong to commit troops to a war that cannot be won in both country's still insist on sending more out there,i fully support all troops in country at this present time but never forget who committed them in the first place,you only have to know the history of afghanistan to know that its a no go situation that others have tried and failed for basra,the military dictate what tactics are appropriate but the hand that holds the lead in whitehall dictates the politics of this mess.

  8. I was in Basra for Twenty Nine months as a defence contractor. I lived at the Basra International Airport. I had a driver get kidnapped by the Iraqi Police. When I reported it to the British army the officer I talked to called another British solider that wouldn't give me his name any how the guy said to pay the ransom. Go figure??? The British wouldn't even call or try to catch the Iraqi Police kiddnappers? Months later the Five wolves got kiddnapped and killed from a permanent 24/7 Iraqi Police Checkpoint thats on the freeway. Route Tampa. Those are the Five Cresent security guards that got killed. To the British solider I would stand with you back to back till the end. To the sorry scum that made that deal shame on you.


  9. From the beaches of Dunkirk to the plains of America too the Suez canal the brits are know for this

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