
Did the British emigrating to Australia in the early 1900s need Passports. What papers did they have?

by Guest44895  |  earlier

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Did the British emigrating to Australia in the early 1900s need Passports. What papers did they have?




  1. Ooops, you've posted your Australia question in the Austrian forum. But, I will help answer your question regardless.

    Yes, both bounty and free passengers on ships sailing to Australia had to have passports or identity papers regardless where they were from. There were also ship arrival and passenger arrival lists too to help keep track of people. Today these are used by people tracing their ancestral roots and geneology websites.


    Petra M, Vancouver

    In regards to the comment below, you are thinking of what was offered after the Second World War. The 'Ten Pound Pom' was what the British were called who took up the offer of the 10 pound one-way passage to Australia.

  2. There were also cheap fares that the Australian government subsidised to help build up the population. I can't remember the exact figure, but it was something like a 'Tupence Fare'. It will be in any book that covers the history of Australia. And yes, they did have passports and immigration papers.

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