
Did the British sink US ships in the Atlantic during the First World War and pretend it was Germany?

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to get the USA into the war




  1. No. There isn't even speculation on any aspect of the report, accounts and eyewitnesses that led to a conspiracy theroy as events such as pearl harbor and 9/11 did.

    Besides, we were going to go to war anyway. Even though Wilson's re-election slogan was "i kept us out of war" he knew that going to war would stimulate the economy and help put America on track to becoming a world power

  2. No, the Germans didn't even deny sinking American ships. In fact one of the reasons the U.S. entered the war was that Germany said it would not stop sinking American ships.  Another reason of course was the Zimmerman telegram.

  3. no they didnt those ships were loaded with British people and supplies badley needed by Britian

  4. Most likely not, although the British did hope that Germany would sink US "neutral" ships to get America into the war.

    America was supplying almost all ammunition, explosives, rifles, and other war supplies to France and Britain before American official entry.  The US supplied loans covering the entire cost of war for both countries for the entire length of the war.

    Needless to say, when the war was going badly for Britain and France, American elites realized that it had to enter the war to protect its investment.  If the Entente lost, who would pay everything back?

    The famous Lusitania incident was 90% British citizens and was most likely carrying war materials.  Not a great reason for entering a war, but a great casus belli.

    The Brits cried, yelled, begged, and hoped America would enter at some point but I doubt they actually sank US ships to get them to.  Ironically, all they had to do was lose the war on there own to get America in.

  5. no. Britain didnt have many submarines. They concentrated on an awesome surface fleet. Anyway, by the time you americans entered the war it was already over. You just jumped on the bandwagon and still to this day make stupid remarks like "we saved your asses in 2 world wars"

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