
Did the Bulls fans still love MJ when he played for the Wizz?

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He should have quit on top and not come back and embarrass himself




  1. yeah cause he ddid alot and got the bulls famous

  2. Jordan coming back did not hamper his legacy one bit, he was always loved by his fans even in Washington!


  3. MJ represents the League...not the bulls.  

  4. he had nice stats when he came back his last year he averaged 22 points

  5. LOL!

    Yeah, he was really embarrased as a 40 year old droppin' 40 and 50 points on a bunch of athletes 10/20 years younger.

    Yeah, he really embarrassed himself...

    Stupid Mutha F...

  6. If your a true fan of MJ you should be a fan of him no matter how fat and slow he looked as a wizard.

  7. It definitely would've been better if he didn't come back to play for the Wiz, because he was always seen as a Bull, and he was at his best when he beat the Jazz in 98. But you can't blame the guy for following his heart. He loves the game of basketball and couldn't stay away. I don't think he cared about his legacy because he came back for the love.

    And he proved that he could still hang with the young guys even though he was already 40. He wasn't as dominant but he was very competitive and knew that he could outsmart the young guys and in many occasions he did just that. He broked a few records like the oldest player to score 50 points. And I think he scored two back to back 50 or 40 points. He almost took his team to the playoffs even though they sucked.

    So in answering your question, Bulls fans followed him wherever he played. They cheered him on like he was still with the Bulls and were sad when he didn't make the playoffs. But the idea that he came back was good enough for Bulls fans. Because he was loved by the city and he is the reason why Chicago has all these banners hanging in the United Center.  

  8. Probably. Bulls fans are just a bunch of DUMB JORDAN JOCKERS like the rest of the country was! LMAO!!!!!


  9. Yeah...they still loved him. There was a game in United Center while he was in the Wizards, all Chicago fans and all the crowd stayed on their feet for over 20 minutes minutes before the game for MJ.

    You can check it out on Youtube.

    He was the greatest of all-time. There will never be another Michael Jordan.



  10. I bet they did. He helped them win many championships. If some really good player came to my team the mavs and we won many championships because of him and then he left I would still like him.

  11. They were never Bulls Fans The were MJ jockers and he was their god, they followed him to baseball and watched him quit and they made excuses for him, then they watched and became Wiz fans. Its kinda like LJ fans will do when he leaves the Cavs. They were never Cavs fans they are LJs jockers. I have been a Laker Fan for 28 years, long before Kobe and long after he is gone. Pick a team not a player and be faithful thats what a real fan does. Today we have too many fair weather fans. Just look at how many Celticcs fans Popped out of the wood works. They would have cheer for anyone playing LA. Haters. Instead of having a team you just bandwagon the winning one and root against the one who took out the West. LA came together with Gasol, without their starting center, in a few months and made the finals...Bright future for LA. I was expecting Byum back in the playoff and if not i was expecting them to make a run next year. They are way ahead of schedule. LA is going to 3peat again, maybe 4

  12. I DID

  13. They love him no-matter how bad he looked!!

  14. Yes they did because

    Bulls fans = MJ fans

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