
Did the Chinese beach volleyball team's medical timeout affect May and Walsh?

by Guest62121  |  earlier

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The announcer said they were too experienced, like "sharks sensing blood." But I thought they definitely lost their rhythm.

What do you think. Should this be allowed?




  1. Asphyxiate said it the best possible way...I couldn't have found better words to describe it.

  2. it has to be allowed.. i'm sure they were just 'freezing the kicker', but there's no way to tell.  she could have gotten a charlie horse or cramp.  it happens in all sports. it's just a little more questionable in tennis and volleyball since there aren't set time outs (i think they only get 1 per game)..

  3. dude, it was ***** raining hard during the match. even if tian's arm wasn't hurting, she probably needed a rest after playing in that rain.

  4. well they won shortly there after

    it may have stopped a little momentum, but they got it back quick

  5. I hope you are not yet another selfish "one".  "Should this be allowed" is not a reasonable question for medical timeout.

  6. Should a person be denied access to medical assistance?

    You are suggesting that they be denied that because it may have disadvantaged the WINNERS? I would have thought continuing on with an injury would have been more of a disadvantage, but I suppose if the tables were turned, and the USA team took the time out and went on to win, we would not be hearing "It affected the Chinese and disrupted their rhythm".

    Wow, this is the epitome of poor sportsmanship. Can't even win with dignity.  

  7. couldn't have affected them that much they won Gold, so it really doesn't matter

  8. May and Walsh lost against the Chinese.

    Its neither here or there if the medical time-out should be allowed because now it doesn't matter because May and Walsh defeated

    Cuba and won the Gold.  

  9. Tian Jia did the same thing in the semis when they played the other Chinese team and it worked. Tian/Wang did a comeback and by the time the game was over Tian was perfectly fine.

    She is cunning.

  10. They still won so I don't really care.

  11. Yes it helped. Old maids can always use a breather from their chores.  

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