
Did the Chinese government make a wise desicion by introducing the Three Gorges Project?

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  1. Certainly yes.....that is what is going to propell China in the 21'st century.

  2. i totally agree with f10.

    it's not easy being china. if they do one thing, it's wrong. if they try to go the other way, it's also wrong.

    it really seems to be as if the west just wants to rub china off the face of the earth, or make her so weak and powerless that she isn't able to defend herself.

    the poor native chinese. NOTHING  they ever do will be satisfactory. now i know the reason why they decided to isolate themselves.

  3. well seems like China has to be responsible for ALL the pollution in the world, the government has to do something right?

    If they don't build the dam, westerners are gonna blaming China for the pollution

    If they build the dam, you would see reports on CNN/BBC about how people really don't want to leave their homes to make space for the project(I have seen it)

    Just out of curiosity, what can we do to make you westerners happy???

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