
Did the Clearasil Pore Cleansing Pads help or hurt your skin? ?

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i have been using them for about a week or two now along with washing my face with daily pore cleanser twice a day. At first it seemed like my skin for clearer, but now it seems to breaking out worse. I already had my period not that long ago so i know its not Period Acne.




  1. it may not be the best thing to use..because same thing happended to thing is to use Neutrogena Products

  2. It could be that you are using them too often or that they're too harsh for your skin.  Overwashing or using products that are too harsh can cause skin to be worse than usual. You could also simply be allergic to them.  If your skin feels tight or dry after using them that's a sign that they are too harsh for your face. Try washing with a gentle soap instead and use a good moisterizer afterward. If your skin gets better than there's your answer.  

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