
Did the Collins submarine computerization project morph into a Frankenstein which prevented people from?

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completing the project ?

(I was fascinated by the publication of the book "Collins Class Submarine Story: Steel, Spies and Spin" and searched and found this

on the net:

<<In August 1991, because of the combat system schedule slippage, the contract was amended to provide a two-stage delivery. This was to allow submarine platform trials to proceed in advance of a fully compliant combat system being available.

In September 1993, ASC notified sub-contractor Rockwell of a default in contract (non-delivery of the combat system), but were not allowed by Defence to proceed and instead the delivery method was further changed from two-stage to multiple increments, with increasing functionality and complexity to be introduced with each delivery.>>


Perhaps the programming support environment available in the DT&E lab wasn't up to the job. But if so, what might have caused that ?

"What was sported with on the field of Causality

Was not there when the rules of the game were laid down;

It was thrown in today by way of pretext,

Tomorrow all will be as was set up before."

(The Ruba'iyat of Omar Khayyam -

by Omar Khayyam, translated by Peter Avery, John Francis Alexander Heath-Stubbs, John Heath-Stubbs, 1982, Penguin)




  1. Yes, it is like a dead body being coaxed back to life, LOL!!!

  2. Perhaps if you posted this either in history, government or Austrailia, you might find someone who actually cares about the mess of the Austrailian government/military and , thereby, feed you obsession with the same.

    However, the repetitiveness of these questions are more than a bit boring.

    Be well.

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