
Did the Evangelists pay $10 million to the McCain Campaign for him to choose Palin as his running mate.?

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Did the Evangelists pay $10 million to the McCain Campaign for him to choose Palin as his running mate.?




  1. "Oh God, we have sinned (Fake tears thereafter)!!!!"

  2. I would say it's even more.

  3.   Why would they want that liar that can't control her young daughter?

    I think that they would want a rightous woman with a righteous family. Who plays soccer in that family anyway?

    Maybe the oil/ defence companys chose her for McCain so that they can win the bid to drill. She has been ALASKA First in the past.

    The republicans are motivated by oil.  Just a thought.

  4. No, most of his (and Obama's) funding comes from a variety of banks and creditor corporations.

  5. This is worth 10 million:

    Palin has more experience in office than Obama, and a better track record.

    Paln has more executive experience than Obama and Biden combined.

    She's the only one to have balanced a budget.

    She's the only politician I've seen give herself a paycut when money was tight.

    Like McCain, Palin has exposed and eradicated corruption when she's found it. As opposed to Obama who has been involved in questionable things, shrouded in mystery and littered with unsavory characters.

    Palin was in Rwanda and Zaire gathering information to help put an end to the genocide during the Clinton adminitration while Obama was registering people in Chicago to vote.

    Palin has had to deal with Russia and Canada on issues important to Alaska and the United States. How many foreign negotiations has Senator Obama had again?

    Palin has major experience in the energy industry. She understands the geopolitical ramifications of various policy decisions.

    There's no way to criticise Palin's experience without making Obama look even worse.

    The Republican VP is better qualified than the Democratic candidate by a considerable degree.

    One short quote from WSJ:

    "For starters, we'd say Governor Palin's credentials as an agent of reform exceed Barack Obama's. Mr. Obama rose through the Chicago Democratic machine without a peep of push-back. Alaska's politics are deeply inbred and backed by energy-industry money. Mr. Obama slid past the kind of forces that Mrs. Palin took head on. This is one reason her selection -- despite its campaign risks -- seems to have been so well received by Republicans yesterday. They are looking for a new generation of leaders."

    McCain's surprise choice suits me just fine! White House here we come!

  6. evangelists make me sick. they along with liberals have ruined this nation.

  7. HAHAHAHAHAHA....You people are getting really desperate.

  8. I don't know about that, but I do know that it was Rove who pick her not McCain.

  9. Wow are didn't know that lol.

  10. Get Real.

    What Evangelist would give his money to someone else?

  11. I doubt it. Do you know what innuedo means? It means an indirect or subtle, usually derogatory implication in expression; an insinuation.

  12. Wow, I never thought of that

  13. I can't believe how many religious freaks there are in this country.  Why do people feel they have the right to force others to believe what they believe?  What is this - a freakin' theocracy?

    Aren't we starting to do what we blame islamic/Muslim nations of doing????  

  14. Hmmmm....considering I am not an Evangelist, and I contributed two days  I would say your attempt to smear has failed.  I know many none-Evangelists who gave money to the campaign once Palin was nominated.

  15. 1.) Palin was in hot water. They gave her a get out of jail card.

    regarding the firing.

    2.) The Oil company is black mailing her behind that fact.

    3.) The Oil company gave McCain the money to take Palin instead of Liebermann. Palin had the connectios to Alaska's Oil. Andstill does.

    She turns in her best friends, they had to get her out of the way.

    There's more.

  16. McCain doesn't want you to know a lot of things about Palin.

    Sarah Palin Revealed...

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