
Did the GOP chief Issue of security of the nation go out the window today?

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Clearly nobody in the Republican camp is concerned that Palin would be clueless in a national security crisis. Gimmickry....awesome...




  1. And what experience does Obama have on the issue of National Security??? What experience does Obama have in an executive government position? - A LOT less than Palin, who by the way is NOT running for president. McCain is.

  2. Thats why she's number 2 and McCain is number one.....

  3. Oh, I'm sure they were shocked by that senseless decision to select Sarah Palin as VP to the White House.  She simply doesn't have what it takes to handle anything more complex than ensuring there is enough snow in her small Alaskan town for a dog mushing race.  This is a simpleton (both of them) and I predict that Obama/Biden win the general election in 2008 (60%) over McCain/Palin (40%).  The handwriting is on the wall.  Serious policiticos know this is the case.

  4. What are you talking about?  She's the governor of Alaska, where she uses the National Guard to keep the Soviets from invading like they did in Georgia.

  5. Can you honestly ask that question with a candidate like Obama? Seriously?

  6. I trust that McCain will be president for his full term, if elected.

  7. Obama is a National Security Crisis. He can't even pass a background check. Are you kidding me, They were never going to let him be President. And now we have a woman running,so it will just look like a fair fight.

  8. You don't need to worry. McCain/Palin will win in a landslide. Obama would be the one clueless in a national security crisis.

  9. The U.S. has been caught off guard on national security matters for decades.  Biden only reads partial notes from aids then claims he has 35 years of foreign experience. Palin gets that 3 a.m. call from NORAD every time a Russian bomber or interceptor takes off.  She also has constant contact with the Russians and the Canadians.  Actually she living proof that Obama is wrong on abortion and the domestic front and could easily prove the Democrats are a bunch of whiners.

  10. The shrill whine from the democrat party confirms that McCain made the right choice.  Your fearmongering will not work.


  11. You are wrong and uninformed.

    Governor Sarah Palin has facilitated a gas pipeline that pissed off the oil companies.  It will generate $112billion of income for the state over 20 years and create 12,000 new jobs.  On September 12th every man, woman and child in Alaska will get a check for about $3300.  This is an annual event.  Can your governor do this?

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