
Did the Grape Juice Do It.....?

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I've been having problems with elevated blood pressure but last week it was low. The only thing different was I drank a lot of grape juice last week. Could that be the reason? Does anyone know any foods, drinks, vitamins, etc... that will lower blood pressure? Thanks.




  1. IT sure can and has in the past.

    To Katie: Cayenne is great,but you should warn people how to take it. It could put you in incredible pain if you don't eat with it and have plenty of water. Tabasco is safer and splashed in water with a water chaser is more convenient and since it's easier to use more often it's better.

  2. definately take Cayenne the hottest you can find preferably in tincture or tea form organic with raw garlic..this will reverse artery plague and thus widen the blood vessels which reduces the blood pressure

    other foods that help..celery, garlic. fatty fish (mackerel, salmon, herring and sardines), fruits, veggies, extra virgin olive oil (the only kind with the health benefits), high calcium foods, high potassium foods.

    these came from Jean carper's book "food your miracle medicine and this is a fantastic book very cheap on ebay..the chapter on blood pressure (she covers tons of illnesses and problems) tell more details of the studies related to that foo.  the book is based on 10,000 medical studies.

    rats given celery saw the upper number sink about 12-14% after a few weeks..this is equal in humans to eating 4 stalks of celery a day..the active chemical in celery is found in few other veggies

    a few cloves of raw garlic dropped bp some..the garlic group after three months in the study dropped from 171/102 to 152/89 while the placebo group stayed the same..both raw and cooked benefit bp but raw is more potent.

    those taking 200 mg of omega three fatty acids for three months saw a drop of 4.4 diastolic and 6.5 systolic..that is the amount of 3 1/2 oz of fresh mackerel, 4 oz of canned salmon or mackerel or 7 oz of sardines.

    some other studies found yo nee a minimum of three servings of fish a week..if they added fish oil to the fish, the bp did not drop any lower

    switching to a vegetarian diet definitely helps studies related to htis concluded that curbing total fat or saturated animal fat did not help at all as far as bp (blood pressure)

    fiber in fruits proved stronger than fiber in cereals fro bl lowering.

    vit c or at least an amount in an orange or green pepper daily

    potassium helps after a year on a high potassium diet, 81% of a group of patients needy only half as much bp meds also 38% could get off meds totally  they ate 3-6 servings of high potassium food a day

    highest sources blackstrap molasses 2400 MG. next is baked potatoes 844, cantaloupe 1/2 fruit825, avocado 742

    1/2 cup beet greens 654, 5 dried peach halves 645 10 dried prune halves 626 i cup tomato juice 536, i cup yogurt 530, 3 1./2 oz snapper 522, salmon 3 1/2 oz 490,  other foods mentioned were soybeans,, Swiss chard dried apricots, OJ, pumpkin seeds, sweet potato, banana (451), almonds, spinach, and skim milk

    high calcium foods since there are many problems with milk, try to focus on green leafy veggies.and canned sardines and salmon with bones

    3 tbs of extra virgin olive oil lowered high blood pressure 9 AND 6 points respectively..even a mere 2/3 rds tbs reduced it 5 sys and 4 dia

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