
Did the Jews buy 70% of Israel?

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I heard that the Jewish people bought 70% of the land that is modern day Israel. I have heard this statistic from many sources and was curious if you have heard the same. Can you please cite the source where you heard it from because I would like to read/see it myself. Thank you so very much!




  1. Yes, its true; 70% of the land that is now Israel was legally purchased, lock, stock, and malarial swamp, from the Ottoman empire.  The beef the Arabs have with that however, is that when the Ottoman empire collapsed, they did not recognize the money European Jews paid for it, saying that they never wanted Turks ruling those lands in the first place.  The way the Arabs see it, is that they want an Islamic empire like the one that ruled from Spain to the border of China, in the 21st century, with not a single Jewish state ANYWHERE in that empire.  The Arabs do not want to share with Jews, any Jews, so much as a grain of sand.  Thing is, if Islam succeeds in taking over the world, know what they are capable of?

    Lets say the technology existed to make volcanoes explode, and using that, you created an artificial island in the middle of the pacific; safe, stable, and the land will last well, however long you want it to last.  Jews everywhere say "fine Arabs, take Israel, we will move to this beautiful pacific island now."

    Guess what?  Islam will want to take that island as well, and then say Jews are seccond class citizens.  All Jews.

    Arab muslims will only be happy if Jews leave the planet, its as simple as that.  It doesn't matter to them whether you are misrahi or ashkenazi, to them a Jew is a Jew.  In Saudi Arabia, Hebrew descended Muslims, MUSLIMS, live in grinding poverty.  And many of them, know Koran AND Hadith, from memory.  But that is still not enough for them.

    Israel largely ignores them, and what few, if any, religious Jews know of them, they regard them as "cherem," as not Jews at all.  To me they are though; I have Hebrew relatives in Saudi Arabia, living under the heel of a tyranical monarchy, and it pisses me off.  I hate those people, and that damned police state excuse of a country.

    Ever stubborn though, get this; did you know, that some of the Hebrew descended Muslims from Saudi Arabia have offered to fight against Israel?

    True story.

    Generally though, here is a little dirt on gas prices, why they have jumped; things in Saudi Arabia are not as cozy as they appear to be.  There is massive wealth disparity for one, most of it going to the Al-Saud.  First, second, only the major tribes, tribes that have lived in Saudi Arabia since the time of Muhamad, have benefited from the oil revenue.  Arabs "foreign" to Saudi Arabia, live in poverty although it doesn't compare to the poverty Hebrew descended Muslims live in.

    The largest concentration of Hebrew descended Muslims is concentrated, I believe, in Medina, their ancestral home, and the surrounding towns.  Geographically not that far from Israel actually, all things considered, psychologically though, a world away.  They may as well be on Mars; any "rescue" attempt is out of the question.  In addition there are large pockets of north africans, whom the Saudis call "haj trash."

    Many in the state department in fact, and many in Washington, DESPISE the Al-Saud.  Not dislike, hate, or loath; DESPISE.  The common complaint being "who dictates policy in the U.S.?  Our president or some Arab dictator?"  The true King of the United States is King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia.  Is it another Abdullah?  Yeah, I think its Abdullah because Faisal is probably either dead or senile.  Whatever the case, you have Saudis who are members of the tribes dating back to the birth of Islam, descendants of Ishmael, and you have Saudi residents, permanent residents never to be made citizens, from various parts of the Arab world.

    Generally, people in Riyadh, live like the people of Switzerland, actually.  People in western Saudi Arabia, however, live like in, oh, the Belgian Congo.  How is that for "disparity?"  See though, as is the case between rich and poor, the poor always outbreed the rich.  Because wealthier people, upper middle class people, for them children are expensive, however for poorer people they are a necessity for family income, in other words a matter of survival.  Things are very unstable, and the only way the monarchy and "native" Ishmaelite Saudis can protect themselves, is by jacking up oil prices so they can tighten their grip on the poorer peoples there using their police state methods.

    Every Jew who buys gasoline in Israel, or elsewhere, ironically enough, is helping to contribute to the oppression of Hebrew descended Muslims.  Sadly for them, there is no Moses to go up to the Saudi King to say "Let my people go."  Sorry; no Moses for them.

    The attitude towards Hebrew descended Muslims in Saudi Arabia shows they will never be happy with Jews even if everyone in Israel suddenly converted to Islam.  We would still be second class citizens, no matter what.  Some of the best, most outstanding Muslims in Saudi Arabia, are in fact Hebrew.  Like I said some know both Koran, and Hadith, FULLY, from memory.  But still, they are second class citizens.

    If there such a hopeless thing as a "Messiah" for the Jews, I hope his first stop is in Saudi Arabia and that he tells the king there to "let my people go...."

    ugh, this answer is pissing me off!

    signing off.

  2. Nope. none of that is true!

    the ZIonist wanted Palestine since the late 1800s! and by the end of

    WWII they had the whole world feeling sorry for them! so the UN gave them 70% of unbought land!

  3. Can you recognize that this question can't make sense ?


      If you say : (  Did the jews buy Lands from " Palestine " ? ) this may make some sense !

    And the answers is : they have been "raping lands" since they came in 1948 untill this "VERY MOMENT" .. Then you tell me how can one "buys" a land while he is a thief who steels lands

    Nevertheless, buying a land does NOT give them the right to :

    * Murder children women and innocents, constantly using heavy weapons.

    * Throw families out of their homes.

    * Push "hundreds" of people into jails untill death.

    * Rape more lands " constantly " until this moment.

    * Violate the palestinis human rights and isolating palestinians from the world.

    * Prevent food and electricity from passing to the innocent people.

    * Creat conflicts and preventing peace to occur between jews and the middle east.

    * Kill their own innocent citizins as human weapon in making wars, just for acquiring lands.

    * Preventing Muslims and christias from visiting the holly masjed and churches in Paestine.

    * etc etc etc

    And now .. do you still think zionists " buy" land from Palestine ?

  4. Whereas the Jews paid for it through the Jewish National Fund also known as the Keren Kayemet, and by benefactors such as Rothschild, the Arabs came in and took it for free. Let me prove it to you: In Roman times the Galilee including Nazareth, Sh'far Am (the seat of Rabbinic Court in North), Safad (seat of Jewish learning), Tiberias, Megido, Haifa (refer to Prophet Elijah in Bible), Acre, Yavneh, etc. were Jewish, but who took some of these places over--the Arabs, who followed after the Byzantine Greeks! There's NO reason that Jews should have to pay to get THEIR OWN LAND BACK! Take a look at the eye-witness account of the historian Flavius Josephus who tells how Massada fell to the Romans. And as far as the lands--do you really think they were surveyed, registered, and titled, or were they taken over, and whose lands were they originally and who put up a fight against the Roman legions whose might conquered Europe! The Jews have already paid the Romans, the Byzantines, Arabs, the Turks, and English for their own land to finally be returned to them!

  5. Palestinian loss of land 1946 to 2000

    Clear Proof - Israel Stealing Palestinian Land

    Civil Administration officials indicted in West Bank land steal

    Jews Continue to Steal Land from Palestinians

    Israelis use absentee law to steal more land

    25% of Israeli Illegal Settlements is on Palestinian-owned Land

    The titles are as they appear on the pages.


    They have forcefully expelled most of the Palestinians in modern day Israel, seizing their property and assest.

    They so generously gave the Palesinians a couple corners of the country to live in.

    My source is all the Palestinians that have been expelled.

  7. YES it was bought the zionist way (sell me the land or die)

  8. its more like stole, bombed, or killed.

    take ur pick of words.

  9. Yeah, I think I did.  I heard 30% too; as well 45%, 70% and I think the last time 93%.

  10. In May, 1997, the Arab Israeli newspaper,  Fasl al-Maqal published a list of 54 prominent Arab families that willingly sold land to Jews between 1918 and 1945. This was only a partial list of names found in an official British Mandate era document known to the Jordanians. Among these real estate sellers were the mayors and heads of Jerusalem, Gaza, and Jaffa. The infamous al-Husseini clan and As'ad el-Shuqeiri (father of PLO leader Ahmed Shuqeiri) took Jewish money for land. Many leaders of the Arab nationalist movement, including members of the Muslim Supreme Council, sold land to Jews.

    Your exact statistic, which (to my knowledge) is not claimed by authoritative Israeli sources, may be based on the British Peel Commission Report. (What is known is that there were more Arabs interested in selling for profit than there were Zionist funds available.)

    "At the end of World War I, some of Palestine's land was owned by absentee landlords who lived in Cairo, Damascus and Beirut. About 80% of the Palestinian Arabs were debt-ridden peasants, semi-nomads and Bedouins. Analyses of land purchases from 1880 to 1948 show that 73% of Jewish plots were purchases from large landowners, not poor fellahin."

    - The Peel Commission (1937)

    Later, by 1947, Jewish holdings in Palestine amounted to about 463,000 acres.

    Most of this property  -- 387,500 acres -- was purchased from Arabs. (The rest was comprised of approximately 45,000 acres acquired from the Mandatory Government and  30,000 acres were purchased from churches.)

    "The Arab charge that the Jews have obtained too large a proportion of good land cannot be maintained. Much of the land now carrying orange groves was sand dunes or swamp and uncultivated when purchased...there was at the time at least of earlier sales little evidence that the owners possessed either the resources or training needed to develop the land.

    "Jews paid more than $20 million (at 1936 rates) to Arab landowners, mostly estate holders...In 1944, Jews payed between $1000 and $1100 per acre in Palestine, mostly for arid or semi-arid land; in the same year, rich black soil in Iowa was selling for about $110 per acre (U.S. Dept. of Agriculture)"

    - The Peel Commission's report in Land Ownership in Palestine, 1880-1948

    The Peel Commission found the shortage was "due less to the amount of land acquired by Jews than to the increase in the Arab population." The report concluded that the presence of Jews in Palestine contributed to   an improved standard of living, notably higher wages, and ample employment opportunities.

    British government statistics prior to the establishment of the State of Israel concluded that 8.6% of the land area now known as Israel was owned by Jews; 3.3% by Arabs who remained there; 16.5% by Arabs who left the country. More than 70% of the land was owned by the British Government. Under international law, ownership passed to Israel in 1948. The public lands included most of the Negev Desert - half of Palestine's post-1922 total area.

    Source: Survey of Palestine, 1946, British Mandate Government

    It is a known fact that Jews avoided purchasing land in areas where Arabs might be displaced. They sought out land that had NO tenants although such land was largely uncultivated or  swampy. In 1920, David Ben-Gurion declared that "under no circumstances must we touch land belonging to fellahs or worked by them." He advocated helping liberate them from their oppressors. "Only if a fellah leaves his place of settlement," Ben-Gurion added, "should we offer to buy his land, at an appropriate price."

    It was only after the Jews had bought all of this available land that they began to purchase cultivated land. Many Arabs were willing to sell because of the migration to coastal towns and because they needed money to invest in the citrus industry.

    "They [Jews] paid high prices for the land, and in addition they paid to certain of the occupants of those lands a considerable amount of money which they were not legally bound to pay."

    - John Hope Simpson, May 1930

    "Peasants who did obtain title deeds or proof of registration under British rule through the 1921 Beisan Agreement . . .  in northern Palestine, readily sold their newly allotted parcels to Jewish purchasers. Many other landowners who had acquired title deeds legally during the Ottoman period sold these lands to Jewish immigrants during the Mandate."

    --- "Palestine's Rural Economy, 1917 - 1939"  by Kenneth W. Stein

    During the same period, the British illegally created "Transjordan" (in 1922). In 1946, this was declared an additional new Arab state -- despite the fact that it had been carved out of 4/5 of the land mass that had been internationally designated to form the State of Israel.

    "It is made quite clear to all, both by the map drawn up by the Simpson Commission and by another compiled by the Peel Commission, that the Arabs are as prodigal in selling their land as they are in useless wailing and weeping."

      -- from the memoirs of Transjordan's King Abdullah

  11. Yes thats true. I dont need sources to prove my point.

    If someone tells you otherwise cover up your ears with your hands and start yelling ANTI SEMITE at the top of your  lungs, when an adult comes by tell him/her that that person touched  you  in your no no place and stick to that story until that person is behind bars.

    Then.....Mission Accomplished, pat urself on the back.

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