
Did the Queen ever play Polo?

by Guest60410  |  earlier

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Did the Queen ever play Polo?




  1. yes she was a horse once.

  2. one does not know but if you have a great big garden

    and horses i suppose so

  3. No

  4. maybe, well she drove army trucks, and was a mechanic during the war years, so why not, she is a excellent horse woman, breeder.she is no different to us, except the crown seperates her from us, i know when peace broke out, people were cheering she sneaked out with her sister princess margeret to intermingle with the people in london. my parents told me this, dad, recognised her but kept quiet, so she could enjoy the feeling, and for those few minutes be ordinary, not royalty.

  5. No.  It's not played by ladies.

  6. I dont think so...

    HRH Prince William of Wales likes polo.though

  7. only marco-polo a couple of times with a few of the maids



  8. Don't be silly.  Polo is played by gentlemen, ladies watch and help prepare the lunch snack served from the rear of the Range Rover.  Freshly squeezed orange juice, and perhaps some caviar on toast points.

  9. No, she prefers Roman-Greco wrestling

  10. No, Just Snooker

  11. i seen her once playing with one...the mint kind

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