
Did the RNC sound like more of the same of the past eight years?

by Guest66356  |  earlier

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Did the RNC sound like more of the same of the past eight years?




  1. Of course! It wasn't surprising to hear the same BS of hot air they've been talking for the last 8 years.  

  2. It sounded like the DNC to me. No promises to deport illegals. No promise to abolish the income tax and the 16th amendment. No promise to reduce the size of government. No promise to abolish the Department of Education. No promise to abolish the ATF [ Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms should be a convenience store, not a government agency].

  3. yes, if you want more of the same, vote for McCain.  That should be their new slogan.

    The balls to say they need to reform Washington, when they've been there for last 8 years and accomplished s**t.

  4. I don't know, what do the past 8 years sound like to you?

  5. No.

    But the DNC sounds like the same 150 years  though since they keep chosing middleage male lawyers as their candidates.

  6. Not at all. Didn't you listen to the speech given...duh

  7. Palin sounded like a misinformed b**** I didnt like that at all.

  8. Absolutely...if McCain is elected, the only thing that will change is the residents in the White House!  McCain sounds like bush in 2000 and 2004!

  9. I hope so!

    I think George W. Bush has done a TERRIFIC job as President.  Just look at how much happier everyone is than they were 8 years ago, when the horrible reign of Bill Clinton came to an end.  Everything is better now--from the economy to America's standing in the world.

  10. It is.  The Ideology of the Rep's is the down fall of this country.  Just look around you.

  11. I didn't hear anything about what they would do for our economy or for health care or for education.  All I heard was Obama bashing.  They're the same old party.  They're clouding the issues with their stance on abortion, even when it looks like a couple of women in the Palin household could have used one.

  12. Yes!  What Palin said in her speech sounded a lot like what Bush and Cheney had said in the past.  They make some of the wealthiest Dems look poor and modest by comparison, yet they always call others the wealthy elitists.  They have taxed and made us pay for all their debts with inflation (which is an even worse tax), yet they always use the words "raise taxes" to try to get people scare into voting for them.  And they never get tired of using the security/terror BS even though the biggest attack on US soil happened under Bush--followed by an anthrax attack!

  13. No.  It was amazing.  It was like the Republicans were going to go grab pitch forks and take back Washington from...from...from other Republicans.  If you had been in a coma for 20 years, and woke up to watch last night's speeches, you would have sworn the president was a loony left-wing Democrat.  Amazing.  The politics of chutzpah learned well from Karl Rove and Bill Clinton.

  14. Don't you mean the DNC?

  15. I'll bet my salary that you never interested yourself in politics over the last eight years. I'll bet you formed your opinions based on newspaper headlines and passing conversation.

    And now that Obama says "no more Bush!" you think you're a political whiz. LOL.

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