
Did the Red Sox get enough for Manny or did they s***w up? He is a .300 hitter with 500 homers? Hmm?

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Was he getting too big for his britches and the Manny being Manny was getting old? I think the Dodgers got a great player and the Red Sox will certainly feel the after-effects in the loss column. YOur thoughts?




  1. OK. First of all i hate how people are saying the Manny is doing so good as a dodger so they shouldn't of traded him. HELLO, HE'S IN THE NATIONAL LEAGUE NOW! The NL has way worse pitching than the AL.

    They got the best deal they could get at the time. They couldn't risk manny dogging it or skipping games. So far, the red sox have done pretty well with Bay. He'll be good in the long run too because he's way younger.

    The fact of the matter is that Manny needed to go, and the red sox got the best player they could get. And i think it's working out well.

  2. They got a good young player for a really good old player, so yes, I am glad that Manny is out of the A.L

  3. they didnt s***w up they did good, because they got jason bay to replace him, and bay and manny are both doing well. another thing too, he wanted OUT of boston, thats why he didnt run out ground balls, and he was willing to s***w his own stats to get out, and thereefore they did good

  4. Manny had quit on the Red Sox. He was claiming he was hurt when he faced good pitchers, and he was loafing on the field.

    They weren't going to win that way, and the team's veterans agreed -- get rid of him, they said.  

  5. They screwed up because manny is doing so great in LA dodgers and also their paying his contract and traded 2 players plus manny in a 3 way deal to get jason bay even though hes doing alright

  6. They got screwed. They are paying his contract. Look at Jason Bay's career stats.

    It isn't close how good he is.

  7. Manny is playing so well as a Dodger, because he is now playing for a 4 year contract(at least that's what he thinks he will get).  In Boston, if Manny had continued to play and keep his mouth shut like he did for the first 2 1/2 months of the year, he would have likely had his option picked up by the Sox.  This is a simple money deal for Manny;  four years @20-25 million per, or two separate one year options @20 million per.  The Red Sox did the absolute best they could under the circumstances by acquiring an All-Star caliber OF'er under club control for next season at a reasonable price.  The Sox couldn't afford to have Manny quit on them during the pennant race(like he did in 2006).  This is one of those deals where every club made out well.  The Dodgers got a MOTIVATED HOF OF'er for the pennant chase, basically for free(they will get TWO draft picks when Manny resigns elsewhere).  Also, the Pirates got three MLB ready prospects for a player they were unlikely to resign after next season.  And as for the after affects of the trade, the Sox are 5-2 since they traded Manny(soon to be 6-2...beating up on the White Sox as I speak) and Jason Bay has fit in nicely.

  8. Manny wasn't the real "Manny" the last few weeks, or in fact...this whole season.  He had trouble getting to his 500th homerun, and he had trouble getting just to 20 this season when he is capable of hitting 40.  His attitude in Boston was getting out of control and causing too much stress on the clubhouse, and they were not doing well.

    I think Jason Bay was a good trade, of course i'm not sure giving up Hansen and Moss were a good part to do, but Hansen was either real good or real bad here anyways.  Bay won't have the 40 homerun power like Manny, but he had a warm welcome to Boston and will try to do his best, a lot more than Manny did.  Of course Manny looks good in the NL right now, however when you look at all of the National League players, they all have low averages and high homeruns, Mannys just catching up to all of them right now!

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