
Did the Republicans throw it all the away ?

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she is very unknown and McCain does not even really know her. Has he go crazy ? I am happy becuase i am Democrate, but waiting for third party.




  1. Not really ,but points to consider: McCain accuses Obama of " no experience", valid point .Obama still gaining ground. O.K. , McCain people observe Obama's progress despite the "no experience" slap. They huddle and come up with a "no experience " candidate of thier own BECAUSE APPARENTLY EXPERIENCE IS NOT CRITICAL. But they do come up with  a winner on several fronts ,1: a woman2: abortion/ pro-life ,she walks the walk,3: no bullshit corruption digger , 4 : *** kickin' N.R.A. member,( kin u say pro gun?), 5: easier to listen to than Hillary,( ***** index being 180 degrees out from H. Clinton) and , just a little easier on the eyes. Waiting for a RELEVANT 3rd  party? Ralph Nader has been 3rd party stuff crowding 40 years ,Democrats despise him cause he divides the party ,Republicans laugh because they KNOW he does and he's not worth a helluva lot to anybody .Sorry to say, we're stuck with this 2 party bullshit till  the ideals of our founding fathers comes back around , and i suspect it's going to be awhile.

  2. No.  She is a marked improvement over Joe Biden, who is a member in good standing in the Plagiarizers Hall of Shame.

  3. Judging by how the Obama follower went into an instant panic, apparently not.

  4. Quite the opposite, the republicans who didn't like McCain are now all on board:

    Most importantly for McCain, the two constituencies who are most energized by Palin just happen to be the twin grassroots pillars of the GOP: anti-abortion activists and pro-Second Amendment enthusiasts and sportsmen. Without these two camps making phone calls, stuffing envelopes and knocking on doors, Republican presidential candidates would severely lack for volunteers. They are critical to the health of the conservative coalition that has dominated Republican politics for a generation.

  5. No----the McCain/Palin '08 ticket will march right into the white-house.

  6. Actually, I think there is a lot of fear in the Democrat camp right now.  It is a huge gamble for a huge prize, and this new uncertainty into what was all but certain before is not good for the Dems.

  7. Did the Democrats throw it all away when they nominated Obama? Nobody really know him. Has they go crazy?

  8. Yeah...we don't allow votes from Uzbekistan so don't worry about McCain and keep working on your Engrish!

  9. NO !!

    Alaska Govermor Sarah Palin has MORE TOTAL political experience than Obama!!


  10. Ummm,Obama was  unknown too before he ran. She has more executive experience then Mr. Slow Groove Obama.

  11. I'm going to ignore the details of your question and concentrate on the initial question "Did the Republicans throw it all the away ?" and the answer is absolutely.

    They have tarnished the little international credibility americans has around the world.

    They destroyed the US dollar and now international business is in Euros.

    Oil sales are in Euros and Russia is moving to exclude the US dollar entirely.

    The US economy is a joke and everyday Americans will soon need to look out for the rising Russian army.

    Just wait until the Chinese call in their debits that's when things will get interesting.

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