
Did the Rev. Wright just pick the wrong words to tell the truth?Was he pointing out that some white men didn't

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support a cure to aids, because it was killing lots of black men

and they approved of that? Not quite the same as "inventing" aids, but maybe Wright had a valid point. Like our politicians who often have a good point to make, but choose the wrong words with which to say it.




  1. Even if that were true,  there is a lot of difference between supporting something and inventing it.  Only a few were responsible for starting the war in Iraq, but 10's of millions supported the President when he started it.

  2. any person who has the attention of a mass has to choose his or her words very carefully.  however, i don't think the Rev. thinks that the white's just approve of Aids, i truely think he believes they created it, and helped it grow to simply kill off the black population. He is an educated man and he knows what his words mean, and he knows how to play to his audience.  this theory of his is not new, there are a lot of black people in this country who believe this, its sad really.

  3. Reverend Wright is stirring a pot that many of use are trying to put behind us.  If we just sit around and talk about how decades ago the white man kept the black man down we will get NO WHERE!!!  We need to realize how the past actions of man was wrong and move forward!!!!!!!  I have nothing against any person except for their own ignorance ~ and you can be ignorant regardless of your race!  Instead of further dividing us why doesn't he embrace EVERYONE!

  4. He was right there were these white types Conservative Christians back abstinance in Africa and Mongolia at least one of them did. These types also back it in The U.S.A.

    It does not work. What these men say is the condoms do not work and that abstinence is the only way to stop sexually transmitted disease. This is especially alarming to tell people given the high rate of aids in Sub Saharan Africa. George W. Bush also was in favour of abstinence in Africa. There was also the talk of refusal to back Retro Virus Drugs for Aids. These drugd though do not cure Aids they only make it more tolerable for those who have it. People still should use condoms .

  5. He did more than use the wrong words, he was hateful, sarcastic and using the pulpit for political reasons. This is against the law and he should have lost the tax exemption that his church enjoys. I realize he has been replaced, but there had been a white preacher preach from the same pulpit about the politicians and trying to influence the voters in his church. This is against the law and should be addressed, but no one is jumping on the band wagon to do so.

  6. Rev. Wright meant what he said and he said what he meant.  

    He's not making excuses for himself, why should you?

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