
Did the UK only start to go 'downhill' ever since Gordon Brown Became PM?

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Did the UK only start to go 'downhill' ever since Gordon Brown Became PM?




  1. No, its the same as it has always been its just now the media want you to vote in David Cameron who's the Queens cousin. Basically there is a ruling class behind the government you don't know about, they control the media and groom front men such as Tony Blair and David Cameron to be elected into power, and they ensure the member of the other party has no charisma to be sure you vote for there guy.

    When I was 18 I thought Tony Blair would bring change and save the country in the same way you prob think David Cameron will now.

    But after a few years of him being in power you'll notice that the government agenda hasn't really changed.

    in short the "democracy" we  live in is a sham.

  2. No it went down hill when he became chancellor and created a tax credit system that was too complex, too many people have become too dependant on, and created too many stealth taxes to pay for it.

  3. No, i think it's because the uk gives too many benefits and a free NHS, and the war in iraq. which means no money can be spent on a decent police force, which means teenagers randomly go around knifing people they don't like. Then they must spend money on taking those knives away. Now they don't have enough money to keep those arrested in prison so they are letting out arsonists, serial killers, terrorists an other evil people, so they can commit more crime knowing that the chances of getting caught are very low and even if they do they will probably get out in a day or two.......

    btw the immagrints are starting to go back to their respective countries

  4. It was going down hill before,

    But Gordon Brown has made things even worse,

    10p Tax,



    Stamp Duty,

    Not calling an Election,

    Northern Rock,

    Losing Data,

  5. no after tony balir was re elected, thats when it went wrong

    it need to be more like the 30's

    respect your elders

    the 3rs


    i also belive that theres to many immogrents, i dont mind if they get jobs,but if they just come for a house and benifdts then complain THEY CAN GET OUT

    same with hate preachers or people that hate this courty GET OUT THEN INIT

    you come to this counrty you respect its vaules

    support me! and i will make this courtry great again

  6. gordon brown is just not inteligent enough to hide behind 'believable', logical lies like the rest have been. we seem to be wising up a bit at last, even good ole tony 'gimme all your money' blair was having trouble in the end, and he was one the best bullsh**ers there was

  7. no no no! blairs responsible for everything. and dont ever forget it!

  8. It started to go downhill in 1945 when the Attlee Labour Government abolished hard labour for convicted criminals. Ever since a succession of similar do gooders have jumped onto the band waggon so that now the only safe places for innocent victims are behind barred doors at night or overseas on holidays.

  9. No I don't think so, I certainly don't think he's helped matters, but everything that's going on now has been building up for a while.. Tony Blair caused most of this, and has left Gordon Brown to deal with it.

  10. The most easy question on Yahoo

    Yes, fuel prices are up and all the teens have knives

  11. No. The world in continually evolving and the UK is no exception. Your question seems to point towards you believing that Gordon Brown is a bad PM and you have alternative politics. We only have to look at our history to see how other PMs have acted and judge against them. Chamberlain was conned by Hitler, didn't the UK go downhill then? We entered WWII!

  12. No. It started because the UK is so liberal and has invited in millions of immigrants that do not have the same customs, religion or language as the UK. The new immigrants want the UK to change to their views.

  13. nah, all of the S**t that is going on now starts way back, probably somewhere during Thatchers reign.

  14. No. the economic downturn was brewing long before he got the job - but as chancellor maybe he should have seen it coming..?

  15. If it did, the people have only themselves to blame; they voted him in.

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