
Did the US army ever sack a place it invaded? like barbarian armies did?

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like how soviet army did in germany in ww2?




  1. As policy? I doubt it, except maybe when we were fighting the Indians. But we are just as guilty of it as any other country, it is a problem with mankind more than with a particular country's army.

  2. We have done ur share but compared to russia,Japan,Germany or the U.K. in past wars we look like saints.....

  3. They did it during the Civil War.  The U.S. army burned down whole southern towns and cities.  During WWII if there was a sniper in a house, they would get a tank and blow up the whole house.  As far as stealing stuff, there was always a black market created by servicemen but I don't know what the black market sold.  It's said that during the Battle of the Bulge, 20% of the equipment from both sides was unaccounted for (possibly put on the black market).

  4. just because one is american doesnt make them morally superior to the rest of man kind. The US army has been around for awhile. I served, and believe me, some of the young men i served with were pretty much criminals who chose service as a way of staying out of jail. Some may not like what i'm saying, well they need to get over it. War is h**l. If you don't like that or accept it as truth, then they need to grow up and stop living in fairy tale land.

    My grandfather wont talk about it, but in the korean war, he and his company burned an entire village alive. War is h**l, gotta problem with that, then you either didnt serve, you didnt see combat, or you just need to deal with it. Not every soldier is captian america.

  5. YES -S*hit happens in war.

  6. Americans were given the nick "baby killers" during vietnam becuase of liberal media love to see our country fail so they can prove a political point.

  7. after Vietnam American soldiers became known as the baby killers. i wonder why

    lol. good one Mr pPumma

  8. Yeah and your house is next on the list. Are you really that stupid or are your mom and dad related.

  9. Look at the Phillipines War (Spanish American War) at the turn of the century...Not only did the US Army destroy villages...They massacred inoccent civilians...

  10. google- winter soldier. or look for the archives at I have listened to plenty of soldiers-from this current war talk about things like cutting the heads of corpses and holding it up in the air ,while cheering,et cetera.

    war is h**l, people must kill others-this requires dehumanizing the enemy. bad things like this happen.

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