
Did the USA helps in winning WW2?

by Guest58616  |  earlier

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could the war had been won without the involvement of the Americans? WHY did the Americans got involved, was it because of sympathy or was it because the were politically had to?




  1. There was no sympathy. They refused to enter the war until they were openly attacked. The whole policy of isolation.

    But yes they were very very influential. by the time USA entered the war, france was taken over and a vichy government was set up. England was loosing the 'battle for britain' which was fought in the air.

    The only thing that wasnt going in germnay's favour wasthe attack on russia. stalingrad and many of those other places were complete failures. The russians would have contained them, but usa entering the war did have a massive impact.

    till then they had only supplied arms and loans to their allies (completely profit motivated, not as aid), but after pearl harbour they were forced to enter the war.

    The war did not end with the atomic bombs. germany was defeated by then and japan had sent peace feelers already. the bombs were used as a warning to the USSR. the americans wanted to show what they were capable of in order to stop russia's communist iron curtain take-overs. it was an 'underhand' threat to russia.

    no it was not sypmathy. america didnt care that their allies were loosing. they entered only when they were openly attacked and had no choice but to retaliate.

    The war might have been won without the americans because hitler had taken on a war on too many fronts and it was bound to catch upto him (failures at stalingrad and mistakes with his airforce on britain already)

    but yes USA did play a vital role in the war victory.

  2. when the Japanese bombed pearl harbor is when the U.S. got involved we didn't want to but when that hapened we had no choice, and no the germans would have won if it wasn't for us involvement, briton was about to be defeated by the time we showed up  

  3. It would have taken a lot longer without the USA.

    The USA got involved after the war had been going for over two years when they were attacked by Japan at Pearl Harbor and the Germans declared war on them two days later.

    Up to that point they had normal trade relations with both sides

  4. Heck yeah, we helped! Isolationism became an untenable policy after the Pearl Harbor attack.

  5. Course the Us helped, devoted an enormous amount of personnel and materials. Possibly the USSR would have won it anyway difficult to say.

  6. Yeah Pearl Harbor pretty much pulled us into it. I'm not quite sure why the Japanese thought it would be a good idea to bring the US into war but they did anyways.  The American's had a major impact on the war thereafter, ultimately leading to victory.

  7. Help. Ha america just sat back and watched million of "Allies" die. They didn't join the war until 1942. And that's because they were dragged in by the Japanese.

    Then when they had beaten the Japanese they nuke there 2 major cities killing over 180,000 people. Pathetic, they are cowards. And in the politics point of view now days nothing hass changed.  

  8. Yes, the USA did help win the war.  It is however, answers like those I see here that makes me sad that the Japanese drew us into the war.  I think it may have been better if the rest of the world had suffered through a 20 or 30 year war before we got involved.  Maybe they we wouldn't hear the whining and crying of those we saved... those who couldn't save themselves in that relatively short war.   The Axis might have lost eventually, but it would have destroyed all of the world powers except the U.S.  The victory of the British (the French were already beaten) would have left them little more than cavemen who conquered a people who had been reduced to cavemen.  Russia would have just drawn back into Siberia and waited the whole thing out and come out of it better off than Britain.   Then, after the smoke cleared, the U.S. could have bombed Japan into submission and done whatever it wanted to do with the rest of the world.

  9. england had 2 weeks of fighting in them when america entered the war,defeat was inevitable,america won the war but the credit they take is worth nothing as the axis powers had already been fighting for years

    thumb down the truth because it hurts

  10. The only reason the Americans joined the war in Europe was because old Mr Hitler made the mistake of declaring war on America to align himself with his allies Japan believing America had no stomach for another European war just an Pacific war

  11. very debatable,i think the americans ended the war with their cowardice in dropping the big bombs on Japan!

  12. yes they made the outcome of the war by creating the western front. They helped by driving toward Berlin and meeting with russians and seizing the last of german soldiers. Most of the last were Hitler Youth and the german home guard.  

  13. Without a doubt, those who have said they helped with armaments befor their entry was true.

    GB was in dire trouble at the beginning of the war...Dunkirk was a disaster, and the North Atlantic was a 1940 we were weeks from being starved into submission we were losing so much shipping, and even the Battle of Britain was won with the help of incredibly brave Polish fighter pilots.  We were determined and no doubt,in battle and on the home front brave, but there were murmurings of defeat even amongst the people on the street, surrender was looming terribly.

    The attack on Pearl Harbour was the catalyst, the reports from Europe of the n***s real intentions, and the increasing presence of the Communists was made very real to the Americans, as they held the n***s. And I do hope that there was a very small part of that special 'ally' relationship that the politicians bang on about today.

    As for the Japanese, and the atomic bombs...naturally the use of that weapon is abhorrent to me, but having listened to the testimony of those men who fought against the Japanese, soldiers who believed that death was preferable to surrender, I'm not sure how long the war would have continued...Japanese soldiers were found on Pacific islands in the 50's and 60's still manning their posts!

  14. Yes the USA was a major player in WW2. And no, the war would not have been winnable for the Allies without US involvement. If any of the big three: USA USSR or UK had not been involved, the war would have been won by the Axis.

    The US had been providing some materiel and monetary assistance, but not enough to actually turn the tide. But once the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbour the US was at war. Then a few days later Germany declared war on the US in support of her Japanese allies. This brought the US directly into the war in Europe and they joined the Allied forces. And Churchill managed to convince the US to make Germany the first priority.

    There are two fallacies that are becoming common lately. The first is the the Russians would have been able to win on their own. This is simply untrue. Without the massive amounts of equipment and raw materials they received, they would not have lasted long enough to counter attack. Also, without the Western front and Italian campaign to draw off significant fighting forces they would have faced a much larger German force. The other fallacy is that the A-bombs were some kind of cowardly atrocity. The US was facing a very long and costly invasion to take Japan. Dropping the bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, which were scheduled to be destroyed by conventional bombardment anyway, convinced the Japanese they could not win, and accelerated their surrender. In the end the A-bombs actually killed far few people than would have died if the war had continued for another 6-12 months. And more people died in the fire bomb raids on Tokyo, so it death toll wasn't even that high for that time in history.

  15. Dont know who won but i am sure HUMANITY LOST with the destruction of Hiroshima and Nagasaki  

  16. You can think of WW2 as being two wars in one -- the Pacific War and the European War...

    Throughout the 1930s, the U.S. and Japan engaged in a diplomatic war in Asia due to Japanese expansion in Asia, primarily China. In late 1941, the United States embargoed exports to Japan, including metal exports. This embargo was felt deeply in Japan, which imported much of its metal from U.S. controlled sources. As a result, Japan entered into an alliance with Germany, signed a non-aggression treaty with the Soviet Union and attacked the U.S. fleet in Pearl Harbor on Dec. 7, 1941. I mention this to note that these items were independent from the war in Europe.

    The United States would have probably stayed out of the war in Europe had Germany not declared war on the United States on Dec. 11, 1941, three days after the U.S. declared war on Japan. Once Germany declared war on the U.S., the United States declared war on Germany.

    The United States was one of two nations in WW2 to fight on two fronts, the other being Germany. The United States fought the war in the Pacific against Japan, with assistance from New Zealand and Australia, the war in Europe.

    The War in the Pacific:

    The war in the Pacific would not have been won without American involvement. The two major European powers in Asia, England and France, were occupied by the war in Europe. In fact, when France surrendured to Germany, Hitler made Vichy France turn over French Asian colonies, such as Indochina, to Japan. England was not able to provide troops to the Pacific campaign due to its conflict with Germany. Australia and New Zealand were not strong enough to withstand Japan alone.

    Several have mentioned negatively the atomic bombs which ended the Pacific war. The Japanese defense of Iwo Jima and Okinawa, where 66,000 of the 100,000 troops on the island died, many in suicide attacks, convinced American military planners that an invasion of Japan would cost between 5 million and 10 million dead American soldiers, Japanese soldiers and Japanese civilians. Given the religious ferocity of the Japanese solider and citizen, who worshipped the emporer and considered it great glory to die in his service, the atomic bombs probably saved millions of lives by ending the war without an invasion of the Japanese home islands.

    The European War:

    If Hitler had not attacked the Soviet Union, but had kept his focus on defeating England, then the war would not have been won without American involvement. If Hitler would not have declared war on the U.S. on Dec. 11, 1941, there is every liklihood that he would have conquered England or forced England to sign a peace treaty to end the war.

    Hitler, in my opinion, made two fatal mistakes that cost him WW2. He declared war on the two post-WW2 superpowers, the U.S. and the Soviet Union. Either the United States or the Soviet Union, in conjunction with England, would have, in my opinion, won WW2. Although the Soviet Union bore the brunt of the German attack in WW2 and the brunt of pushing them back to Berlin, English and American efforts in Africa and France should not be underestimated for hastening the end of the war.


  17. The war would not have been won without U.S. involvement, the British wouldn't have lasted as long as they did against Germany had it not been for American aid.  The U.S. being involved meant that Hitler had to fight a two front war which kept him from concentrating his forces against Russia.  Some people have little knowledge of history and since America is not that popular in Europe right now they tend to reinvent history to make it seem as if England & Russia won the war and the U.S. had a small role.

    The fact is that the U.S. was producing more war materials than every other nation Axis & Allies combined.  Also don't forget that had it been up to Churchill the invasion of Normandy wouldn't have happened meaning the Allies would have had no foot hold on western Europe and therefore Hitler would have been able to keep more forces in the east.  Anyone who really thinks the U.S. didn't play a big role in winning the war should ask why Churchill wanted America in it so badly.

  18. I think it would be unfair and churlish to claim that WWII would have been won without US support and troops. If that was the case, why did Churchill work so hard to secure US support before Pearl Harbour? Why did he never point this out to the US after the War?

    As to why the US got involved, didn't they get as involved as their isolationist policies would allow them without declaring war. Pearl Harbour was probably a massive mistake on Japan's part. I think US involvement was probably a mixture of sympathy for the "plucky Brits" and allies and political desire to soothe the public's wish for revenge.

    Hope that helps

  19. Yes they did help. We'll never know if the war could have been won without the USA. But they sold arms to the Germans, didn't react when the Brits had to evacuate their troops from Dunkirk. They didn't come into the war until the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbour. I don't believe there was any sympathy, they were just bloody annoyed about their fleet being attacked.

    As for Europe, they couldn't have given a sh"t.

    Which is why some of us feel so strongly about the UK l*****g 'donkey' and following the USA into battle, these days.

  20. UK got help from US fairly early on by way of armaments, but it wasn't until the japanese hit Pearl Harbour that they kicked in. And if anyone really had more of a hand in the final part of the war, were the Russians.

    Don't let any American say they won the war for us, they didn't.

    some of the Americans who have answered quite honestly should take a history lesson.

  21. Bombing Hiroshima & Nagasaki was very unfair for the axis. It's like using an RPG to kill rats in your backyard. But history never forgets! USA will pay

  22. The Russians would have won it anyway, but the Iron Curtain would have stopped at Calaise.

  23. A bit...

    But if Pearl Harbor wasn't bombed then they wouldn't have done sh*t

  24. The uk assisted us in winning the war we would have won that war by our selves.

  25. Germany was winning the war before Japan attacked the U.S. It took a couple more years before the United States impact was felt. Germany had already overtaken France so one ally was out. From about 1939 to about 1944 Germany was the strongest nation in the war, in war terms.

    The United States involvement helped to win the war for sure. If they had not entered the war the world would be under the control of the Germans.

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