
Did the USA win the 2008 olymipcs?

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If we win my family gonna throw a party.




  1. Yes.

    Of course you'll get all the anti-American answers that say no.

    Any country that competed won.

  2. Yes the mighty USA triumphed!

    You can now officially start the celebrations.

  3. If you look at the ratio of population for the amount of medals won New Zealand probably won.

    But if you want to know who got the most medals I would bet on USA.  

  4. China had the most GOLD medals, but the U.S. had the most overall medals. Check it out below!

    Hope I helped! (: ♥

  5. No. Every country won.

  6. No Sorry...China did!! they have most number of gold medals! But its seems Americans r gonna celebrate anyway coz they dont take in to account no. of gold medals but the total...pretty lame!!

  7. I think we're missing the point of the games with questions like these. I don't think any country won it.  

  8. The Olympics aren't over yet. But currently china has the most amount of golds. But America has the best athletes.

    1.China has 51

         2.US has 36

    3.Russia has 23.

  9. yeah especially after all those chinese womens gymnasts get stripped for only being 12 years old. haha china. sumting wrong wiph your program.

  10. If you're asking whether or not they won the overall medal count, yes they did. China got more gold medals though.

  11. The USa "won" in the sense that it took home the most medals

  12. No China won then USA then Russia Then UK


  14. China did.

  15. Yep.

  16. USA won most overall medals but china won most Gold medals.

    Well u Can throw a party for micheal Phelps.

    He is a legend with 8 Golds and a few world records!

  17. no china did


    That is not what the games are about

    To answer your question, if the most gold matters, no

    If the most medal matters, yes

  19. no china did. USA came second

  20. no-body wins the games, it's individual events that win.

  21. No one "wins" the olympics but team USA definitely kicked butt! China got more gold though but I think that Americans are super proud with our medals regardless. I know I am!  

  22. win?? wat sport

    countries dont just win the Olympics  

  23. the "official" method used for ranking countries is by Gold medals.  As such, China won.  Personally, I think this is dumb way to do the rankings.  They should award 3 points for a gold, 2 for a silver and 1 for a bronze.  Then tally all the points.  With the current method, 1 country could have 2 golds, and no other medals, while another could have 1 gold, 10 silver, and 10 bronze, but the country with the 2 golds would still be ranked higher than the country with 1 gold, 10 silver.....

  24. USA won the medal count, China received the most gold medals, though

  25. They won for the most Metals!

    36 Gold Metals

    38 Silver Metals

    36 Bronze

    Total:110 Metals


    51 Gold

    21 Silver

    28 Bronze

    Total:100 Metals

  26. china won it in gold medals

    we won it in overall medals

  27. The USA won most medal

    China most gold.

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