
Did the United States ever say sorry to the Native Indians for what can only be described as Genocide?

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Did the United States ever say sorry to the Native Indians for what can only be described as Genocide?




  1. I think giving them their own reservations was their half-assed attempt at reparation.

  2. allah akbar

  3. You mean the Indian Holocaust?

  4. I dunno, maybe all those millions of dollars sitting in a bank account somewhere for 'buying' the Black Hills and the Powder Region is the American Government's attempt at apologizing for completely destroying a culture, mercilessly slaughter thousands, etc.

  5. your loose use of the word genocide dishonors the people who actually died in one, be it the Jews and Poles and Roma in WW2 or the Rwandas or the Cambodians, and shows an imprecision of language and history which is sorrowful.

    Genocide is the deliberate rounding up and exterminating of a cultural group. If the United States had wanted to exterminate the Indians there wouldn't be a Sioux or a Cheyenne..or a Massapequot running Foxwoods..... left alive today.

    Also please remember that from 1492  to 1800 it was touch and go whether the Indians ,by themselves and later with their French allies were going to drive the English settlements back into the sea. If the Indian nations had had developed a unified government over the 10,000 years they were in North America before Columbus and the Pilgrims landed they would still be running the show. Just imagine the reverse...50 Huron land in England and 300 Delaware land in Spain and in 200 years are in charge of everything as far east as Russia?........

    I also think that Indian lands today are in effect separate nations within the United States where most US laws are superseded by tribal laws is pretty good apology.

  6. Not that I'm aware of.  I think we'd prefer to quietly ignore that part of our history.

  7. No, just as European nations haven't apologised for imperialism or the Spanish for the inquisition, or the worst of all; the Catholic Church for their millenia of wrong doing.  That'll be the day.

  8. Yeah they did though, it was quite delayed and the Bush administration was quite iffy on it but, in the end they did actually apologize.

    The actual document can be seen here:

    And an article from a Native American Proffessor's perspective:

  9. No, we have never apologized to the Native Americas.  Giving the land out West was not an apology.  They were cruelly uprooted from their own land which they lived on for centuries.  The U.S. gave them land that nobody else wanted and it was bare wasteland.

    As for the genocide matter,  many Jews survived and the their religion and culture did too.  Indians were massacred.  Total extermination of many tribes took place.  We killed men women and children.  It is a shameful history.  If you go on reservations today you will find abject poverty.  We should be ashamed.  We were not much better than the n***s.

    I am not a Native American by the way.

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