
Did the Vikings do anything to promote global warming?

by  |  earlier

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I don't know about you, but I don't remember reading anywhere that the Vikings had Hummers and smokestack factories. Give me your opinion on the matter.




  1. It is costing with high oil prices.

  2. Of course the Vikings most likely did something but mostly everyone in the world in every time period has done something to promote global warming the vikings are no exception

  3. In addition to burning villages, they also moved from one area to another; we all "know" that just the mere presence of people in an area will permanently harm the environment

  4. Yes, they did.  Eric the Red tried to trick people thinking the area was warm and lush by calling it 'Greenland'.

    Kind of like how people are trying to trick others into thinking global warming isn't a problem for their own gain now.

  5. When are you going to publish your scientific theories? Do you have ANY  data to back up your claims?

  6. they cut down trees to build boats... to envirofreaks... it is punishable by capital offense

  7. this is the randomst question that i have seen today. wow congrats. and no they didnt make any gasses other than town burning and sruff like that

  8. they made the most of it, before the little ice age struck

  9. they cut down shed loads of trees. as did my other ancestors, the saxons and the britons. between us we managed to deforest huge swathes of europe in just a few thousand years.

  10. The Vikings did not have a good year but Adiran Peterson is a good running back. They should do well next year and maybe make the playoffs but as for hurting the environment I doubt any one of them did anyting worth mentioning.

  11. Someone seems to have misled you into thinking anytime the earth warms up it has to do with industrial activity.  If you were to arm yourself with some knowledge you wouldn't fall for stupidity like that.

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