
Did the Welsh ever fight longside the Scots?

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Me and my friend were talking about Bravehert and we wonderd if the Welsh were ever allied with the Scots.




  1. Wales is to the south of England and Scotland to the north in the time of William Wallace the welsh and the Scottish would not have fought against England as a combined force as they were two different countries with two different kings

  2. Badly phrased question. Should it be "Did the Welsh ever fight alongside the Scots before the Act of Union 1707?" Obviously they fought together many times since then.

  3. Towards the end of the ninth century, Eochaid the last King of the Welsh kingdom of Strathclyde allied himself with Giric, King of Alba (the 'Scots' and also the Picts) against the Vikings. They were also cousins, both being descended from the Scottish/Irish leader Kenneth MacAlpine.

    They appear to have actually merged their kingdoms and ruled together, in any event they were deposed by the vikings in 889ad.

    Another cousin, Donald II became the first King of Scotland (the merged kingdoms of Alba and Strathclyde) and one of the first things he did was boot out the welsh aristocracy and they fled to North Wales.

    If you're unsure what the Welsh were doing in Southern Scotland at this time, Welsh was the name given to those peoples who were the ancient Britons and didn't mean you came from Wales.

    William Wallace (who came from southern Scotland) had Welsh ancestry as you can see from his name. Wallace is a variant form of Welsh.

    It's probably acts like this that meant the Welsh of Wales never developed good relations with the new Kingdom of Scotland.

  4. In the second world war. I asked my dad cause he's a genious at this kind of stuff and he told me.  

  5. Hockey Fan. Why wouldn't the Welsh or Scots like us? We have made them prosper for the last few centuries.

    Oh yeah, you're one of those anti-British Americans. Trust me, love, your country isn't held with great respect here...

  6. Unlikely....there was never any of this 'we celts fight together' business except in bad King Arthur films! Far from being a peace n' harmony muesli-munching bunch of pseudo-hippies, the celtic peoples (who wouldn't have called themselves celts btw) were a musical,talented, vital,warlike  people who loved nothing better than fighting with the neighbours--and in the Iron age era were even partial to a bit of headhunting and human sacrifice...

  7. Lately? Yes.

    Meaning in the last few hundred years.

    Prior to that they fought each other a lot - but then, so did the rest of "Great" Britain.

    The Welsh, Scots and Irish did get together as enemies of the Crown before modern times. The British subjugated all of us.

    In modern times they've fought together, i.e. from the 1700's forward. I'm not saying the Welsh, Scots LIKED the English. Most still don't - with good reason.

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