
Did the White House really bar the EPA from declaring fossil fuel emissions as "endangering public welfare"?

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This article claims that is exactly what happened.

If true it is sad that politicians not scientists are dictating certain truths.




  1. When you flip on a switch do you like the light going on.

    Wait, your a tree hugger, so you should not have lights. You should not live in a house made of trees either.

    So you then are a hypocrite. Plain and simple.

  2. The Bush administration has been very active in suppression of science (far more so than any US administration in history (in the past suppression of science was sporadic but under the Shrub it's very systematic)).

    There's also been suppression of science at NOAA and NASA that support the fact that global warming is happening, caused by us and probably bad.

  3. Of course they did. To say otherwise would indicate a complete denial of reality.

  4. The problem you touch on deeper and bigger than you can imagine!

    This is part of the anti-scientific pattern on environmental matters of public concern and a whole range of issues that are of public concern. The item you have mentioned is one of the latest disturbing acts of a Whitehouse that never worked on behalf of the people, the US Constitution, democratic principles and worst of all not for the truth. The US has lost its credibility under this Whitehouse and there has been no improvement in the environmental or energy policies since the subpar President took his oath of office almost 8 years ago. I hate the anti-intellectual attitude toward leadership of Bush43 and his gang,the Great Divider and his backward thinking  religious conservatives!

    So much damage has been done, by this mediocre President undermining all of our intellectual/logical standards for his disastrous,destructive empire-and-crusade, let-them eat-salty-cake" ideologies.  I think , I speak for many when I say on behalf of truly intelligent people , we can't wait for the worse President in the last 60 years of US Presidents, to go and vanish into his brush-clearing activities in his ranch in Crawford, Texas.

    Hopefully either McCain or OBama can restore my confidence in the ideals that made America Great. Because all I feel is total disgust for him and the mean-spirited demon-demagogues nourished by his ignorance and incompetence!

    Pls incorporate by reference all the synonyms of the def.of the verb form:

    dis�gust �� (ds-gst) KEY �


    dis�gust�ed , dis�gust�ing , dis�gusts

    To excite nausea or loathing in; sicken.

    To offend the taste or moral sense of; repel.


    Profound aversion or repugnance excited by something offensive.



    Late Old French desgouster, to lose one's appetite : des-, dis- + gouster, to eat, taste (from Latin gustre; see geus- in Indo-European roots)


    disgust , nauseate , repel , revolt , sicken

    These verbs mean to offend the senses or feelings of: a stench that disgusted us; hypocrisy that nauseated me; repelled by your arrogance; brutality that revolts my sensibilities; a fetid odor that sickened the workers.

    Thesaurus: synonyms for disgust

  5. Yes, isn't it amazing how the political hierarchy can manipulate a government sponsored agency. You see this on International levels also.Does that mean we accept what they say without regard? I now see it as nothing, but political leveraging.

  6. Global Warming is a lie propagated by Gore...

  7. what is fossil fuel ??? can you imagine how many animals it would take to make the amount of fuel we use.. for this period of time......

  8. No the white house demanded of them to provide sufficient supporting data to justify their claims and to have them checked by several other groups as proper scientific method requires. They refused to do this because all the other labs that tried to duplicate their study failed to do so. Scientific method states that other sources should be able to get similar results from similar tests. This these people either could or would not do. In fact in several cases of computer models it was found the testing software used was providing false results and in other cases it was ignoring historical data to reach a preprogrammed result.

    When conclusions such as those put forth by the AGW promoters fails every single scientific test and evaluation they have been submitted to than the only conclusion that can be made is that they are propaganda generated for either financial or political gain.

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