
Did the alleged resignation of Don Matthews get the Als to the Grey Cup?

by  |  earlier

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Or would they had still gotten it turned around with him at the helm?




  1. Don Matthews brought the Als to the grey cup more than once, so I say not a chance. He probably could've done it again.

  2. It was time for a change in Montreal, and the head coaching change definitely changed the direction of the Al's just when they needed it.

    I can say confidently as an Al's fan, if Matthews had not been replaced, the team would not have been in the Grey Cup!!!

  3. I think the team was doomed with Don Matthews. He's a quitter. The team started doing bad and he didn't want to take the blame for them continuing to be terrible, so he left. This isn't the first time he's done it.

  4. No!!  The fine quarterbacking of Anthony Calvillo got the Als to the Grey Cup.

  5. Pure chance. They are lucky Allen wasn't up to his usual best.....They were just looking for a scape goat.

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