
Did the ancients use aliens and their technology to build pyramids?

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Why do people think that is true? It is fact we have the same brain size and neural connections as ancient peoples. Is it such a stretch of the imagination that they did all of the ancient wonders by themselves?




  1. No. Some people like to think the scenario like the movie release of "Stargate" is true where an advanced alien race came to Earth and started the Egyptian civilization. The latest Indiana Jones installment also depicts an advance alien race coming to earth with advanced technology.

    The truth is that there are many examples of technology showing up centuries and even thousands of years before our age. The ancient Chinese had an earthquake detector machine about 2,000 yrs back. Besides the great feat of building the pyramids, there are electric batteries from Egypt about 2.000yrs back also.   The best chronology of history from the Bible tells us that one of Noah's sons which was named "Ham" became the founder of Egypt (see psalm 105 of the Old Testament). Noah built the world's largest sea vessel that withstood a world flood with divine guidance. The ratio of his boat's diemensions were later used as a guide to build battleships in WWII since it was so seaworthy. Noah would have likely passed on to his sons the knowledge he had from his own work and from his grandfather who would have known Adam since they were contemporaries!

    God made man starting with Adam in the Garden of Eve extreemly intelligent and later gave gifts of knowledge to workman who built jewlery and fabrics and dyes and fashioned gold and silver and other metals in ways that were mostly lost after the flood. A lot of the old ways of fabrication and enginerring has been lost and some of those ways have been rediscovered later. Some people don't want to believe in the Biblical account so they would rather believe in an advance alien race with superior tecnology instead. The problem with that is that there is no scientific or historical proof that even one kind of physical alien life form has ever lived. The Seti program has never found an intelligent message from outer space. Our recent probes to Mars show that the atmosphere there has less than half the oxygen of our planet and is far from supporting biological life. Even if water was to be found in outer space there are still about 2 dozen important componets needed for biological life to live there. All the other planets in our solar system are either too cold or hot to support biological life. archeology keeps finding proff of earlier technology existing but you have to read about them in mostly off the mainstream publications since they go against preconcieved ideas.

  2. The writers of Stargate certainly think it's true... :)

    I think it's less a question of brain size/capacity, than the estimated amount of time required for civilizations to reach certain milestones in technology... some of which are driven by the level of advancement in manufacturing.

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