
Did the baby turn ? 33 weeks?

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Usually I feel her hiccuping down below, now today I feel her hiccuping above my belly button! Is it possible she turned into breech position? She was prior in birth position!!!! If so should I be worried?




  1. Dont worry my baby didnt turn till I was 35 weeks ... It all depends on if you have enough amniotic fluid for her to turn ... which you probably do .. :)

    Good luck!  

  2. You're 33 weeks along...wait another few weeks before worrying.  My baby finally turned at 37 weeks (after what seemed like forever just happily floating about and being in whichever position she wanted at the time) and she's been head down ever since.  You'll know if your baby turns, because you'll get excruciating pains down the insides of your thighs that won't let up unless you sit completely still.

  3. Nope not necessarily, I was due yesterday and for the last while my baby has been head down and sometimes i feel the hiccups down low and sometimes up high, it really depends how they are lying.  Anyways my son is still head down and has been for the past 5 or so weeks.  No need to worry you are fine.

  4. It's possible that she did turn. My son was in birthing position right until the end. When I went into labor I had an ultrasound and found out that he had turned around. I had to have an emergency c-section. I thought he turned back around about a week before he was due, but I wasn't sure. And then sure enough he had.

  5. No need for concern. Your baby will continue to flip around and around up until you deliver. My sister went in for a routine check up at 37 weeks and was told my niece was breech. Well this baby had no intentions of being in that position for long because when she gave birth she was def "face first". Hope this helped.

  6. It's possible she could have flipped around, but at this point, you shouldn't really worry quite yet.  It is common for babies to flip over and back again in the last few weeks.  It's also common for the baby to wait until the last moment to flip around.  My son didn't flip until somewhere around 37 or 38 weeks - a difficult task considering how much room he had at that point.  Give her a few more weeks.  You should be seeing your OB or midwife once a week soon if not already.  They can tell you the position of the baby usually by feeling your belly.

  7. no relax she will turn as she pleases

  8. Oh scary I know! My friend called me in a panic a few yrs back. Her son had flipped breech when she was almost 2 weeks overdue! She went to lay down on her left side and tried to get a nap. He woke her up when he flipped back and labor started right then. She went to the hospital to meet her midwives and when they broke her water there was a flood! No wonder he had room to flip. I am sure you will be fine too! You still have a lot of time for her to move and jiggle around for a bit yet.

    Don't you wish our bellies were transparent sometimes?

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