
Did the chinese really invent snooker ?

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what was the guys name,who was he ,what year etc etc etc .

iwould google it but i am going away for 3 day and i need to know asap

big thanks in advance along with 10 points




  1. No Enlish soilders in India

  2. Billiards and snooker are both UK inventions.

    The game is generally regarded to have originated in the latter half of the 19th century.Billiards had been a popular activity amongst British Army officers stationed in India, and variations on the more traditional billiard games were devised. One variation, devised in the officers' mess in Jabalpur during 1874 or 1875,was to add coloured balls in addition to the reds and black which were used for pyramid pool and life pool.

    The word "snooker" also has military origins, being a slang term for first year cadets or inexperienced personnel.One version of events states that Colonel Sir Neville Chamberlain of the Devonshire regiment was playing this new game when his opponent failed to pot a ball and Chamberlain called him a "snooker". It thus became attached to the billiards game now bearing its name as inexperienced players were labelled as snookers.

    Took 20 seconds to get the information off wiki.

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