
Did the cold war ever really end?

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Did Russia hive off the Soviet Union purely because it was being drained of resources .. and can now concentrate on becoming a dominant power once again? In all the years since the "break up" and democratisation of the Soviet Union.. have they or America got rid of a single ICBM that they have aimed at each other or Western Europe?

ICBM = Intercontinental Ballistic Missile.




  1. eeeer, your all right

  2. In the mid 1980's, the Kremlin made major military and political concessions; in response Reagan agreed to renew talks on economic issues and the scaling-back of the arms race. The first was held in November 1985 in Geneva, Switzerland. There, Reagan invited Gorbachev to take a walk to a nearby boathouse and leave their aides. The two men, with only a translator, agreed on a proposal calling for 50 percent reductions of each country's respective nuclear arsenal.

    The second summit was held the following year in Reykjavík, Iceland. Talks went well, except for when the focus shifted to Reagan's proposed SDI, which Gorbachev wanted eliminated and Reagan refused. The negotiations ended in failure, but achievements were made at the third summit in 1987 with the signing of the Intermediate Range Nuclear Forces Treaty, which eliminated all nuclear-armed, ground-launched ballistic and cruise missiles with ranges between 500 and 5,500 kilometers (300 to 3,400 miles) and their infrastructure. It was the first treaty to reduce nuclear arms. The East–West tensions that had reached intense new heights earlier in the decade rapidly subsided through the mid-to-late 1980s, culminating with the final summit in Moscow in 1988.

    The following year, the Soviets officially declared that they would no longer intervene in the affairs of allied states in Eastern Europe: oil and gas subsidies, along with the cost of maintaining massive troops levels, represented an economic drain and the security advantage of a buffer zone was so reduced that by 1990 Gorbachev consented to German reunification. In 1989, Soviet forces withdrew from Afghanistan.

    In December 1989, Gorbachev and Reagan's successor, George H. W. Bush, declared the Cold War over at a summit meeting in Malta; a year later, the two former rivals were partners in the Gulf War against longtime Soviet ally Iraq.

    EDIT: Who the **** gave me a thumbs down? That's a factual entry from Wikipedia.

    "NO NO, wikipediaz wrong, they no nothing, I am rite, u r wrong, THUMBS DOWN NO ONE BELIEVE!"

    ******* people are dense.

  3. no wars seen to really end

  4. How many questions is that?

    Russia is struggling to be a great nation again.

    It didn't 'Hive off' anything- The doctrine of communism collapsed after it lost official support.

  5. The cold war never really ended - read "New Lies for Old" by Anatoly Golitsyn - an ex-Soviet spy who defected to the West in the 1960's. Very interesting read. Today, its still the same people, but different names!

  6. ummm.. nice one, cuz i also have a feelin of cold war starting

    i just hope us is not gonna do smthing to get the real support to georgia, cuz tht might actually end up bad for both us and russia

    soviet union broke cuz it had to and i do believe tht starting with the 1920-1930s it had no chances to survive cuz of many problems, mostly the government-ppl relations and the economic problems

    just plz dont start those ridiculous talks like russians hate americans n stuff :)  

  7. The political system of communism is hard to maintain. While the concept of communal living is not a new one, it only works on a small scale effectively. The resources of russia had a difficult time of keeping up and advancing.America is creating a more functional form of communism by the policy of the liberals in government,but it is based on the conservatives paying the bill for those who always expect to be taken care of.Russia was apparently strained by trying to keep up with its military and the cost of science and research. Looking at the success of a fat america, its no wonder that russia had to find a new way to compete.News reports show a reduction in missles, who can say for sure.

  8. It happening when all 'good' guys killing all 'bad' guys. And I afraid that it's impossible.

  9. no

  10. Yes! Global warming to blame again.

  11. You make a good point and unfortunately it is based upon truth not fantasy.  With Putin in the key role Russia is trying to make it back to where it was several years ago.  Now that they have large oil fields plus gas they are getting rich and we are getting poorer.  We cannot drill offshore.  Are we mad?  Polosi must go as soon as possible. She is holding back America and we should not allow to do so. We must do everything possible to regain our military and financial strength but not with the twit we call our president.

  12. No, they didn't to the best of my knowledge and no, I am not sure the cold war ever truly ended.  It seemed like we were all playing nice but now I begin to wonder.  If the Soviets start "acting up" I think it may be over for us, that would make the rest of the world vrs. the US and our friends, the UK...that's all folks.

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