
Did the fall of the Soviet Union open the floodgates for liberals?

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before that the USA was quite a sucessful country, now that the libs have made up so many crazy rules and laws we seem to be going down




  1. Yes, they couldn't argue that the USSR was an enemy, but when the Iron Curtain came down, they began to think they were smart and could talk to anyone and solve anything with talking.

    In the some 2000 acts of terrorism around the world against the US since 1983, I don't think talking would have changed any one of them, to include 911.

    America has to deal with the world from the stand point of power and not a weak, unsure of nation like France is right now.

    Semper Fi

  2. What crazy rules and laws?  Can you actually name any of the crazy rules and laws you think liberals are responsible for?  For that matter, what does ANY of this have to do with the collapse of the USSR?   Finally, perhaps you've noticed that for most of the time after the USSR collapsed, it's been Republicans at the helm of the country.  So why aren't you blaming them when the ship of state gets steered into a sandbar?

  3. I don't think it's necessarily an issue of liberal versus conservative. Some liberal policies work, when implemented judiciously. Certainly, however, there seems to be a direct correlation between the rise of China and capitalism and America's steep decline and the amount of cash Washington seems to want to spend. There's a point at which higher taxes (which Liberals seem in love with) destroys productivity, and without productivity, you're left with no tax revenue. It's the wealthy that pay 90+% of the taxes, so if you stifle their ability to keep making money, that means less tax revenue, much of which pays for social policies that liberals love so much. Cons get in trouble when they act like liberals (see George W. Bush). Liberals get into trouble when they get so compassionate (which is great), they have to disengage their brains.

  4. Ah, nothing like revisionist history.

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