
Did the government create AIDS? Check this out and tell me if rev. Wright is crazy.?

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  1. I won't even watch it.  Another evil racist trying to stir up trouble.  

    For many years missionaries have tried to help people out in places like Africa, trying to teach them good health habits.  Do they listen?  No?  They keep s******g around and passing the disease along like crazy.  So as far as I'm concerned, they are the cause of the wide spread of the disease.  If you don't take advantage of the help that is out there, it's your own fault. Don't whine and cry that your people are dying.  Stop s******g around.  Take advantage of the heatlh methods that are out there.  Thousands of babies die there every year.  Stop having them then.  Birth control methods have been being preached to them for years.  Do they listen?  Obviously not. They are more interested in their physical pleasure than their lives it seems.  Take some responsibility for your own actions.  That should be the same all over the place.

  2. No.

  3. Crazy like a fox.

  4. Thats some crazy stuff

  5. I think they did, i also think they know a cure for it too but there just buying there time so they can amaze us and say 'look what we have created', dude the goverments a  feckin' douchebag who needs to get a new hobby. I

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