
Did the great pick of Sarah Palin show the libs that only a Republican will have prior executive experience?

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Unlike brain dead Biden and Hussein?




  1. Don't even lie you know nothing about her! I turn on the news and all I see is fluff, I come on here and it's all fluff.

  2. It showed the libs that the Republicans have guaranteed that they will lose the November Presidential Election.

  3. I would not have called Bush's executive experience particularly helpful...much like his military experience...MIA.

  4. You cant show partisans anything... They would protest the second coming if Jesus had an R next to his name.

  5. No. Two weeks ago the left and mainstream media were in love with Tim Kaine. He's the first term gov of VA that was being seriously vetted by Obama. He was taken seriously and given the appropriate level of consideration by everyone as a potential vp pick.

    Suddenly when another first term governor is chosen by McCain, the Dems are the first to argue the importance of experience. Call it sexism, the beauty queen curse  or whatever, but it's quite obvious that while the two governors are nearly equal in experience but not in respect by the liberal media.  

  6. True.  The goofy notion McCain chose her solely because she is female is goofy since he could have chosen Meg Whitman or Kay Bailey Hutchinson if he solely wanted a woman on the ticket.  He chose Palin because she is a reformer and an outsider from Washington's mess.  She is willing to go against her own party to work for the people.  Managing the biggest state in the country is no easy task and it is management experience not the "meeting" and "speeches" experience of legislators.

  7. It was a great pick. I can tell by the venomous attacks on the left.

    Your last statement "Unlike brain dead Biden and Hussein?" was uncalled for!

  8. Let's make sure McCain wins. This country needs Sarah Palin.

  9. Bill Clinton was Governor of Arkansas-- a bigger state than Alaska-- for 12 years.  Republicans moaned, "Arkansas is just a small state ... he has no foreign policy experience!"


    They never whined about Bush's lack of experience as a FIGUREHEAD governor in Texas.

  10. Hee, hee, I bet you feel dumb for asking this question after the news broke about Palin yesterday.  Hee, hee.

  11. YES!  I'm so excited about this ticket!!  

  12. Yes......She is more prepared to be president than Obama is.

  13. Palin is Honest and tough, She has common sense. Obama and Biden are the Muslim candidates Bought and paid for,McCain will surround  himself with true Americans not what the fake Liberals would put in Place; God Bless America

  14. yeah ,she actually commands the national guard and deploys them.when has biden or obama done that? she deals with russia every day approaching our waters.i mean they look bad!

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