
Did the human race become so evolved because we are more selective about who we mate with?

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Thus weeding out the unwanted characteristics that do not suit society or the enviroment. Dogs for example will hump anything.




  1. Thats meant to be natural to do such a thing and common amougst all animals but i would argue that humans are diffrent we tend to go for personailties and such over looks and things we are all just so very diffrent.

  2. If that were the case, then clearly there has been a breakdown in the mechanism as this information has failed to be disseminated to all interested parties.


  3. You cannot be serious surely. People mate with any bloody thing they can lay their fu**** hands on, arses, monkeys, horses, sheep, goats, cats, you name it, they'll **** it. Evolved, don't talk rubbish. We are headed towards the single cell.

  4. ha i guess you`ve never been to the bar at closing time then

  5. Absolutely

  6. men will hump anything, women are the selective ones as we have more parental investment,

  7. You actually think humans are evolved. Think about how brutally we treat each other. Here is something to think about.  If 20% of the population suffers from depression( and it is a progressive diesease.) Add the mental health problems and stir in the addiction rate multiply by 20 years. What do you have. A 50 percentile population that will suffer from serious mental health issues. Good Luck

  8. so do some men,but not all

  9. Some might argue that men would hump anything. I'm not sure I agree with your premise that the human race is highly evolved!

  10. Perhaps just the opposite..Other animals have to fight and display to win a mate. Humans only need a few drinks. Maybe it's devolution of a perfectly good ape

  11. No it,s because we went from being vegetarian to eating meat now we are regressing.

  12. Human evolution was heavily influenced by sexual selection. Male dogs may want to " hump " anything, but female dogs still do the choosing. Sexual selection works among Canids also.

  13. Probl, I agree 100%.

  14. I would say yes and no.  Some characteristics are there because they are chosen.  Things like blue eyes might be selected.  Other things such as resistance to disease are more subtle.  Humans are evovled in our own particular niche but would fare very badly in comparison with our closest relative, chimps, in their niche.  We obvisously, couldn't keep up with them through the trees and underbrush, in spite of the Tarzan movies.  Chimps have become "so evovled" for similar reasons, male chimps like the cut of a certain females jib or perhaps they are a little better at climbing a tree or escaping a leopard.

  15. Clearly you've never listened to a rap, hip-hop or most pop songs if you think humans are selective about s*x.

    And since I prescribe to Darwin, Humans became 'evolved' due to natural selection.  We still screwed anything we could (like sheep, thats how we got syphilis), but the weak, stupid and ignorant were killed off by disease and their own stupidity.  

    Dumb luck also helped; out species was in the right time at the right place with the right adaptations.  Our ancestors were small enough to evade the last mass extinction 65mill years ago, we got opposable thumbs, learned to walk upright and use tools (nothing that a chimp can't do for the record), etc, etc.

  16. Actually not really.  your dog analogy would not work.  a "dog" could NOT impregnate a "cat" for example.  the species dna is far too different.  It MUSt be along the same bloodline.  for example, a zebra COULD impregnate a donky because they are both apart of the same family or species.

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