
Did the majority of the US senate vote against an English as official language bill?

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Did the majority of the US senate vote against an English as official language bill?




  1. No. Just about every country in the world has an official language except the United States. Any one who wishes to reside here should be required to learn English.  Why do we have to have translators in the courts. All children in school should be made to learn English. Bi-lingual education is a joke. If you want to live here you learn the language. We do not have to learn yours. Obama and Clinton voted against English only.

    They care more for the aliens then us American citizens. A known fact.

  2. there was a vote to make it an official language but it didn't get the majority of votes. it is a stupid rule anyway. why do you care what language official documents are printed in. it's not like they are going to outlaw other languages or make immigrants speak English.

  3. no, most of them voted for it...most except Obama and Clinton!!

    Whats even scarier...

    There was a vote to pass an amendment that would prohibit undocumented immigrants convicted of aggravated felonies, domestic violence, stalking, violation of protection orders, crimes against children, or crimes relating to the illegal purchase or sale of firearms, from gaining legal status.

    --Obama Voted NO, LET 'EM IN!!!

  4. Yes, by a 47 to 51 vote they killed the amendment to make English the official language of America with the Democrats leading the charge but there were cross overs in both parties.

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