
Did the media's pitbull attacks on Palin help?

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I turned off her speech last night. I wanted to read it for myself this morning. The media's stupid, ignorant, foolish, malicious scrutiny of Palin actually helped her. People USUALLY ...not all the time but have sympathy for a person being unfairly attacked. This is even more magnified in politics. With each side sticking to their candidate. Of course the republicans were bursting at the seams to rally behind was's why I wanted to hear her speak initially. But I wanted to do so without all the ridiculously long applause or extended boos. She could've said "I'm a hockey mom and I accept the invitation to be a VP" and the crowd would've went crazy (obvious exaggeration) I'm not biased the democrats do the same for Obama. But in this more current situation I think the media's malicious attention to Palin helped her out. Especially image ops, sound bites, and crowd reaction clips. What's your take?




  1. I believe it really did, it drew attention to her and I'm sure made many people want to listen to her speech that ordinarily wouldn't have. She probable changed the minds of more than a couple of people.

  2. In your dreams.  She sucks

  3. It helped her in a sense but... we are not dumb.  All the cheers everytime she said something was annoying... 'I eat cheese" YAYyy wooooo wooowww ahhhyay!

    I think she pimped out her kids big time tho..

  4. Americans want to be able to relate and be spoken to not down to.  I think the media is getting the picture this morning.  Probably not going to change after today, but I've sensed some backpedalling.

  5. I agree.  The inappropriate scrutiny of her daughter's life and reported speculation on the parentage of Trig was beyond the pale.  The "what a bad mother" thread completely went against everything the media has ever said about the rights and capabilities of women and was clearly aimed at Palin since she is a Republican.  The biased attacks were so blatant and ham-handed as to appear an attempt to railroad her out of town.  This has caused an obvious backlash and have made her a sympathetic figure despite her strong social conservative beliefs.

  6. I have a very strong feeling that half of the idiotic attacks here were generated by republican supporters for this very reason

  7. Any person who throws their hat into the ring has opened themselves and their families up to scrutiny.  That's a fact of life.  I'm not saying it's the right thing to do, it's just the way it has always been.  I had never heard of Sarah Palin until Mr. McCain chose her for V.P.  I personally think it was a shrewd move on Mr. McCain's part. She was chosen because she is a woman and McCain wants Hilary's supporters.  

    I personally don't like politicians.  They say what they believe you want to hear.  I will vote for the first person who stands up and says that he/she is running because they are on a power trip and nothing would please them more than to be the leader of a powerful country. At least that person would be an honest candidate.  Why else would you subject your family, as well as yourself, to the scrutiny that will undoubtedly follow you.

    I have no sympathy for anyone who knowingly opens themselves (and their families) up to the "malicious" attention they attract.  They crave the attention.  

    That's my take.  

  8. No it helped the Republican ticket win.

  9. This is backfiring big time.

    The media has become "the" story in all of this. Proving what their existence is now based on.

    She schooled them at their own game.

    " Journalists " (cough cough) are all having little tantrums this morning.  

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