
Did the moon landing really happen?

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I watched the most interesting programme yesterday on the conspiracy of the moon landing. I Now truly believe that the moon landing never happened, what are your thoughts?




  1. It happened, for sure.

    The reason that no-one has been back since is the Americans won the 'space race' against the USSR, there was little incentive to continue the missions, so funding was slashed.

  2. If you watched a programme by people telling you that the world is flat would you believe that? Your inability to take into account the real evidence causes me to doubt your intelligence. Why does the fact that we haven't been to the moon since 1972 mean that we never went. I haven't travelled on a steam train for many years - it doesn't mean I never did.

  3. I think your question is insulting to the people that went there.

    When we go again, there will be a pile space junk scattered around the landing sites.

    Rather than this being seen as proof of historic achievements, some conspiracy bum will say that all of the junk was taken up with the new lander and scattered about.

    Conspiracy Theorists are poor people that have done nothing, do nothing and know nothing, except to pour vitriol on others achievements.

  4. I believe no conspiracy after the fact.  If they cant disprove it at the time, I vote no.

    I watched it happening on tv and drank fresca and enjoyed it.  How do you suppose the moon rover and flag on the moon got there, btw?

  5. I think you are very gullible to believe what you see on TV. However you may rejoice.  Advertisers and businessmen around the world love people like you.  You buy things advertised on television without one bit of rational thought.  The "as shown on TV" symbol would not exist except for people like you.  You are the cornerstone of American commerce.  Well done!!!!

  6. i dont no!

    its really confusing but i think that it did happen cuz they showed it on tv and showed the marks and dats y i believe that it happened!

  7. It happened.

  8. Of course it happened, the Russians followed the event very carefully and if the Americans had not been successful the Russians would have been screaming out about the fraud.

  9. My thoughts are that you were probably taken in by one of the many hoax videos put out by people who have no expertise in space engineering or history or photographic analysis, and who make these videos to get attention from other people who can't tell that the producers don't really know what they're talking about.

    I've seen pretty much every program that's been made on this subject, and they're really, REALLY ignorant.  Tell us which one you saw, and I'll tell you what specifically is wrong with that one.  Or you can read my web site listed below.

    These hoax theorists are cultural vandals.  They want attention, but they can't get it by doing good and exciting things themselves.  So they get attention by trashing other people's accomplishments.

    EDIT 1:

    Why haven't we been back to the Moon?  No one is interested in going.  There were two prior proposals from a U.S. president to return to the Moon after Apollo, and none of them got funding.

    "Amazing technology" is not really an issue.  While our technology to do certain things has advanced dramatically since 1970, that doesn't apply to all technology.   Our technology to land men on the Moon has declined dramatically since 1970, because we haven't had occasion to use it.  People often point to our wonderful advances in computers, and say that should make the job easier.  How many kilograms of payload can the typical computer put in lunar orbit?  The point is that "technology" is a huge concept involving many topics, not all of which have anything to do with Moon flights.

    With all due respect to the original questioner, he DID simply watch a TV show and accept its conclusions uncritically.  Anyone who watches television and is told something that strongly disagrees with the commonly-held belief owes it to himself to check the facts first.  Just because you saw it on TV doesn't mean you saw the whole story and are being told the truth.

  10. If the Americans did not go to the moon, the Soviets would have been all over it like tin foil on a conspiracy theorists head. There is no way in heck they would have let us get away with faking it.

  11. of course it happened if you look at the moon with a good enough telescope you can see the marks where they landed

  12. Yes I believe it happened. However, what I find incredible is that nothing much has progressed since then in relation to space and travel....or has it?

  13. I think anyone who believes it didnt happen is giving the USA government too much credit. Such a conspiracy would involve dozens if not hundreds of people. The very idea that all of them could keep a secret that big for this long is preposterous

  14. All six of them really happened, as did the three circumlunar missions that did not land. Whatever program you saw, I can absolutely guarantee was a load of pseudo-scientific garbage. The Apollo missions were the most well-documented events in human history. You may as well argue that the invasion of Normandy never happened.

  15. ofcourse it did! what are you thinking? it's our moon, and it's already been landed upon! infact scientists and astronauts have discovered ice on mars, and you're talking about not landing on the moon. that programme is fake, i tell you. it's not a conspiracy that they landed on the moon; they actually did.

  16. I hope not.

  17. i think you are easily led by poor proof. I suppose they explained the laser reflectors on the moons surface which are STILL functional today.

    Thanks for the thumbs down. proved that you dont like hearing other people's opinion if it doesnt match your very intelligent.

  18. My personal view is, it did BUT who knows for FACT was the REAL, first one on the moon?


    Say no more

  20. My thoughts are you are a person who is very susceptable to suggestion and that maybe you should try having a thought of your own.

  21. i've seen the same show. it's plausable, so who knows? why would the government lie about something like that? also, do you think that the mars mission going on now is fake? they have video feed and proof of liquid!

  22. Yes but it all went down in Nevada, not on the moon. Cold War propaganda.

  23. Theres a conspiracy theory for everything, expecially when it comes to the americans .. of course they landed on the moon .. theyd never make something that fake up incase it was ever found out , as a nation theyd be laughed at .. althought they get that anyway cas of there clown leader haha

  24. Why we did not return? Because money is limited. Sad, but true. The Apollo program cost 150 billion USD, the Space shuttle about the same and finally the ISS will also cost about the same money as the Apollo program.

    You can't afford doing it all, and the prospect of a low earth orbit infrastructure to make exploration flights to the moon cheaper was very tempting in the 1970s and 1980s.

    In fact, before Challenger disintegrated, NASA planned to return to the moon by using the space station Freedom and a special family of spacecraft, called the Orbital Transfer Vehicle. The problem was still, that funding these plans was very expensive and only worked with lower launch costs, which the Shuttle never had.  

  25. The evidence that we landed on the moon 6 times is overwhelming.

    Read this carefully:




  26. i always thought the americans didnt want to be beaten to the moon and faked it cos they thought the russians were closer to doing it!

  27. Yes people have defiantly gone on the moon but some people don't think that for some reason. And people they have not gone on the moon since then is because they are building the international space station which i think is nearly done. After that they will start sending people to the moon. I got most of this information when i went to Space kennedy Center at florida. I recommend it for people who love space like me.

  28. Although my husband finds it hilarious that I dont think it happened...I dont care...I willl stand my ground.

  29. I'm sorry but you do rather put yourself out there with the flat Earth, the hollow Earth, crop circles etc. people with this sort of question.  There is so much evidence to say that we went to the moon and soon there will be hi-def luna photos available showing the old landing sites.

    Of course to keep the conspiracy going it will be said they are fakes and someone will have had to go to the moon to fake up all the equipment left there and on it goes.  

    We as a people are just not as good at running conspirasies as we are at believing in them  




    END OF!!

    GET OVER IT!!!

  31. Didn't happen,  

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