
Did the philosopher David Lewis believe that there is a possible world where donkeys talk?

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Would not this theory lend support to the biblical account of Baalam's talking donkey?




  1. I haven't read David Lewis so I'm not sure if he actually believed in a world where donkeys talk (I'm assuming he did not, but perhaps just the possibility that it could exist). It could most definitely be a biblical references, but I'm sure that's not the only point. If you want to read something similar check out J. Swift's "Gulliver's Travels" specifically the chapters that reference his experiences with the Houynumn (spelling?). They are basically talking horses. It's really interesting.

  2. If he was as smart as me (which is not hard to achieve) he would have believed that all things are possible, as long as laws doth abide to make them so. Possibilities are unstoppable.

    A world of talking donkeys, is as likely as world in which there is a talking gecko.

    Does probability allow talking donkeys to heard? No, not in the sphere of possible that encompasses our earth.

    The Bible gives countenance to the supernatural, as to do all laws that exists out of this universe. Does probability support the account? No. Because one law of this universe, is to not let other laws (or constitutes of them) interfere with this one.

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