
Did the polar bears in the inconvenient truth movie die or did the movie imply that they did?

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Are they the first Polar Bears to die?




  1. why wouldn't the polar bears just move closer to the pole where it is colder.  i live in nebraska, we have a world reknown zoo, with polar bears.  they are outside year round, year after year, and they are fine.  al gore is a fraud, man made global warming is a fraud, unusual natural global warming is a fraud.  remember about 3 decades ago, yup they were claiming we were on the verge of another ice age.  run al gore out of dodge, he is a freak!

  2. No, they actually lived happily ever after. The scene was simply polar bears playing. They weren't stranded.

    watch this:

    The Truth About Climate Change:

    and this:

    Scientists Ignored:

  3. 40% of polar bears die before reaching maturity.  This is normal.  They live in a tough environment.

  4. I think it just implied it. By not giving an answer the movie is making their plight stick in your mind so you'll continue to consider the effect of global warming

  5. They were animated they were not even real, the polar bears are thriving.

  6. The only polar bear I recall seeing was digital but I'm pretty sure that the movie claimed that polars were actually drowning. Some scientist think that there are more polar bears today than there ever have been. It just depends who's argument seems best to you. Whatever you do, try not to base your actions solely on what happened to a digital polar bear in a movie geered toward the general population and not the scientific community.

  7. No, in the movie it was a cartoon of a polar bear looking for a place to rest, swimming through Antarctica and couldn't find any because the ice melted. It is all an animation - a lie.

    If you see the movie, it plays with your emotions time and time again.

  8. Not by any means there are other movies,

    Polar bears are excellent swimmers but they have their limits

    the distances are very great ,between the floating bits of ice ,and are getting more all the time and the ice islands are getting less.

    many get trapped by the spaces of water so to speak ,

    Also wading through slush is very exhausting ,And ice does not support them any more so they are crawling half swimming ,very sad to see

    they cannot walk and pounce as they did to hunt seal before .

    the time span between meals is to great to keep cubs alive or maintain energy for long distance swimming

    Watch a BBC documentary by David Attenborough

    he did about 15 movies called Planet earth

    the ones called Future ,the ice worlds ,from Pole to Pole ,

    covers the poles and shows footage of polar bears swimming

    And they can drown eventually from exhaustion

    you have to see the film to realize the distances involved.

    Also some very impressive stuff with polar bears attacking Walruses in desperation ,because their normal game and normal way of hunting ,of seals on ice is gone.

    So Hunger is also doing the bears in.

    this goes with the changes in Habitat

    If the bears are near land they may adjust and start hunting people, the next game on their list

    But this may cause someone to be upset and they will get shot instead.One wonders why Humans are the least in danger of extinction.on the contrary


    All 15 movies are great these people have been making nature movies for many years and they show and talk about the differences of what they see today ,

    compared with before

    They say whole migrations of millions of animals in the tundras have disappeared in just 5 years.

    And everywhere they go people talk about certain species not being there any more..

    thousands of species of frogs have gone ,world wide.

    this is very significant because they are indicators of pollution because their skin is very absorbent,and they are sensitive to environmental changes.

  9. Yes my dear...this is happening everyday to our wildlife because of global warming...

  10. No this happens all the time, They said that the Arctic ice was disappearing leaving Polar bears in the middle of the ocean and drowning to death because they were so far from shore

  11. What ever that movie suggested is a calculated lie to enrich Al Gore.

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