
Did the police ever recover your stolen car?

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if so, where was it? Condition? my car was stole in lacey washington )=...i hope i get it back! Should i call the local police to see if there are any new updates. Its been two days.




  1. This is why there's LO-JACK, an anti-theft recovery system operated by the Police.

  2. Not yet. Mine was stolen 4 days ago and is still missing. I'm in Berkeley, California and it is a Honda Civic VP, silver.  

  3. I've unfortunately had two vehicles stolen, they are lost forever - guess I should have gotten that FU*KEN full coverage, but noooooo! I had to be a cheap bass...

    I do hope you get car back...

  4. my dad has 2 vehicles stolen and it took them a few weeks to find both of them. the 1st car that was stolen was returned in decent condition. it was found in a park and ride. the 2nd car he just dropped off at a junk yard because it wasnt even in drivable condition. it was a honda so you could imagin what they took out of it. they found that one parked on some street in the ghetto

  5. our family car was stolen and was found about 3 days later parked on a street. The seatbelt from my front passenger seat was cut off and there was this logo or sign thing (probably the name of a gang which i forgot what it is) burned on it. And we also had missing cd's and sweaters (2) and thats it.

    i hope you find your car soon and hopefully they didnt mess it up that badly.

  6. Mine was stolen in San Diego and was found in Tijuana, Mexico. It had about $4,000 worth of damage. I wish they had just totaled it. It was never the same after.

  7. the police will notify you via certified mail, and or phone call to the registered owner of the vehicle.  Meaning the address that was filled out with the DPS when you got the registration of the vehicle.

    This could take a week, and as for condition, i hope that it is in at least driving condition becuase most cars that come in after being stolen if at all, are stripped, burned, wrecked, or have a few bullet holes in them.

    or also the favorite, water damage from driving into a lake.

  8. My van was stolen in Chicago and they found it two days later with all of my tools missing and the steering column busted out, but insurance covered it

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