
Did the republican party flip-flop, in 1996 Bob Dole condemned premarital pregnancies in a sitcom on TV,but..?

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0 LIKES UnLike people are congratulating Palin's daughter.




  1. I think it was Dan Quayle & the show was Murphy Brown but what a joke Quayle turned out to be.

  2. At leasty you got part of your question right.  Premaritall pregnancies can be comical.

  3. That was Dan Quayle commenting on Murphy Brown.  

    They do what works for them in the modern rhetoric.

  4. No, that's a very shallow understanding of what Quayle was talking about.

    It was the fact that voluntary single motherhood was being presented as just another reasonable lifestyle choice, when the evidence has been shown in study after study that children from fatherless households on average have more problems in school, with substance abuse, with criminal activity, with teenage pregnancy, etc.

    And nobody is congratulating her daughter, but understand that these things do happen, and that doing the right thing is the best course of action. The right thing being to not destroy the innocent life in her womb.

  5. I have yet to hear anyone congratulate Bristol Palin on her pregnancy.  I have, however, seen and heard many applauding her taking responsibility for her actions by marrying the baby's father.

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