
Did the ship closest to the Titanic ever face charges for ignoring signals from titanic?

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Did the ship closest to the Titanic ever face charges for ignoring signals from titanic?




  1. No, you do not charge ships for things. The rules that applied then did not require 24-hour monitoring of frequencies. That changed because of the Titanic disaster.

    The ship was the Californian, and she followed the rules. It is unfortunate that the master was not more curious as to what the liner was doing, and did not steam a few miles and see. But this was a time when ship owners were parsimonious and ship's masters did not do things to just satisfy their curiosity.



  2. No, the other ship was not obligated to go to the Titanic's rescue because they were not required to monitor the radio frequencies. The laws have changed over the years. But, you have to remember one very important detail. When a ship is travelling on the "high seas" the regulatory body who enforce the laws are appointed by the ship owners. So if the Titanic were to go down today the other ship would get a fine of $5,000 or less within 2 or 3 years after the incident, then they would appeal it and then 3 years later the fine would be $1,000. Its called "Conflict of interest policing". or putting the Fox in charge of the hen house.

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