
Did the surge work and has the war been successfully won?

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Are the Democrats desperate for Iraq to be a failure?




  1. Yes, the surge appeared to be successful for a variety of reasons.

    No, the war has not been won.

    No. the Democrats are not desperate for Iraq to be a failure.

  2. Yes.  The surge worked.  The war has been won!

    Now, Bush can bring the troops home with pride.

  3. Iraq is a complete and total failure  The surge is not sustainable and the troops will be needed in other war fronts as soon as Israel starts ww3.  

  4. I don't think anyone wants more troops to die so saying it was a successfully won is very disrespectful of those whom have died.

  5. It was never a war. It was an invasion of a sovereign country based on lies and deceptive intelligence. Now, it is an occupation based on lies and deceptive intelligence. And finally, the Iraq government is getting up a head of steam and insisting we get our people out of their country.

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